Introduction: Stroboscope for 20 $

Here are a tutorial for make stroboscope.Stroboscope improve your party.

For this test I have used 9 CMS led but it's possible used 90 led (9 by exit of arduino).It's possible used basic led for make this stroboscope.

Step 1: Material

Step 2: Electric Sketch

Battery is connected with the power switch and arduino card (switch for + and GND for -).

Power switch is connected with the battery and arduino card (battery for + and VIN for -)

Pentiometer is connected with arduino (5.5v,GND and A5 )

Leds is connected with arduino (GND und A2)

Step 3: Welding LED

Identify the positive and negative terminal electic with multimeter and weld led on sheet PCB.

Step 4: Repeat Operation

Repaat this operation to connect same terminal electic .

Step 5: Dispostion of Element's

Put arduino, potentionmeter and switch power on PCB card.

Step 6: Return PCB Card

Return PCB card and connect with wire and tin terminal electic (+with + and -with-)

Step 7: Connect Pentotimeter

Connect pentotiometer with wire and tin:

VCC(wire green) : 5.5v

GND(wire white): GND

DATA (welding) : A5

Step 8: Connect CMS Led and Arduino

Connect with wire and tin: arduino and led

Connect terminal electic positive with arduino(D2)(wire red )

Connect terminal electic negative with arduino(GND)(wire blue )

Step 9: Connect Battery and Switch Power

Connect with wire and tin :

Connector 9v :

- positive with switch power

-negative with arduino (Gnd(2))

Switch power:

- right spindle with battery(+)

- middle spindle with arduino(VIN)

PS: (Gnd(2)) has bin located next to VIN.

Step 10: Connect Arduino With Computer

Connect Arduino with Computeur and enter this programme in the Arduino Nano.

<p>int potPin = 5; // pin d'entrée de lecture du potentiomètre<br>int ledPin = 2; // Pin de sortie la LED
int val = 0; // variable du potentiomètre</p><p>void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Déclaration de la pin de la LED en sortie
Serial.begin(1); // Activation de la sortie serie(facultative)
}</p><p>void loop() {
val = analogRead(potPin); // lecture de la valeur du potentiomètre
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Active la sortie de la LED
delay(val); // Attente de la valeur recus
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Désactivation de la sortie de la LED
delay(val); // Attente de la valeur reçus
// Partie facultative
Serial.print("Valeur : ");

Step 11: Results

It's finish ! Now it must be shell for stroboscope in 3D printing or metal for exemple.

Step 12: Thank You

Thank you for your attention and sorry for my english !

I am french young student, I have a bad english thank for your comprehension !

Best regards Paul le bricoleur.