Introduction: Super Extremely Cool Homemade Balance Scale and Graduated Cylinder

About: I love football

Making this tool is a very fun project to do and I would recommend this to other people. The basic things that you need are just some recyclable's, Hammer's, and a nail. The point of making this is to help you measure the weight of all kinds of things.

Making the graduated cylinder is very fun and it will help you determine how much ml. is in a certain amount of water. this will help you because you can find the volume of object and water.


Balance scale

1. Three coat hangers

2. Two water bottles

3. Tape (duck tape recommended)

4. Piece of string

5. Measuring tape

6. Nail

7. pliers

8. cutters

9. drill

10. drill bit

Graduated cylinder

1. One Water bottle

2. Marker/pen/ whatever you have

3. scissors

4. paper

5. tape

6. syringe

7. water

Step 1: Putting the Coat Hanger Up

To start off this step is quick and easy grab your hammer and a nail find a safe place where you can hammer the nail to the wall. Next when you hammer the Nail into the spot that you picked you hang up the coat hanger.

Step 2: Time to Cut Some String

Now that you are done hanging up the coat hanger it is time to cut the string.

grab your string, scissors, and measuring tape/ruler. measure the string to 1 to 2 ft. Then cut it. (cut two strings). when you are done with that you are done the step.

Step 3: Lets Do a Little Taping

Now that you have your string cut grab the tape and head to the coat hanger. Grab your first string and tape it to one side of the hanger. Then grab the other string and tape it too the other side of the hanger.

Step 4: Bending Coat Hangers

This is the hardest step of them all so grab two coat hangers, a pair of cutters, a pair of pliers, and a ruler.

First grab two of your metal coat hangers and measure to 2 1/2 inches, then cut them to you have two 2 1/2 metal coat hanger pieces. then take your pliers and bend both of them in half. Now you should have two metal pieces that are 1 1/4 in. on both sides. When done take the sides and measure them make sure that they are 1 1/4 in. bend the part that is 1/4 in to a 90° angle now your hanger should look look like my picture.

Step 5: We Have to Cut Some More Things

Grab two water bottles and cut them in half so you have four pieces. Keep the bottom halves of the water bottle when done grab your drill and drill two hole towards the top but not on the top (do on opposite sides).

Step 6: Lets Start to Assemble Pieces

Grab your bottle halves and your coat hanger pieces and make the coat hanger pieces connect to the water bottle halves. You can do that by putting the coat hanger pieces through the holes that you drilled.

Step 7: The Final Step

Now grab the water bottle halves and go to the coat hanger that is hung up and then tie the bottle halves to the coat hanger strings. Then you are done with the balance scale.

Step 8: Testing the Product

Now that you have your balance scale done this is an optional step but is recommended so grab 6 small candles or 6 small paper clips and also a teaspoon of salt. Put a teaspoon of salt in 1 of your balance pans and either your 6 candles or 6 paper clips in the other. they should weigh the same so if they line up then you have an accurate balance scale. But if they do not line up you might want to go back and fix something.

Step 9: We Need Some Paper

Grab your piece of paper and scissors and cut a decent size rectangle out of the piece of paper not to big but not to small just enough to fit the bottle.

Step 10: Don't Forget the Tape

Grab your rectangle piece of paper, water bottle, and tape. Line the piece of paper up on the bottle and then tape it to the bottle

Step 11: Keep Repeating

The steps to do this are explained in the video but I will explain it anyways

So grab your water, syringe, and water bottle fill up your syringe to 10 or 5 ml. depends on what you have. once you reach 50 ml start marking it by every 10 or 50.

Step 12: This Is the Final Product

When you are done with the step before then this is what the final product should look like. If you want when you are done you can cut off the top a little bit to make it easier to test stuff.

Step 13: Testing the Graduated Cylinder

When you test the graduated cylinder grab two items as seen in the video I used a gummy bear eraser and a bouncy ball but I recommend using two of the same objects to see if your graduated cylinder is accurate. Then when you are done you can play around with the graduated cylinder

Step 14: Using the Tools to Compare the Density of Objects

In this section you will learn how to compare density. The way to find density is by dividing Mass by volume. = Density = Mass / Volume. In the balance scale I used a wheat penny and a mini screwdriver the screwdriver was bigger that the penny but they both weighed the same so the penny is more dense. I know this because there is more atoms crammed in a smaller space.

Step 15: The Conclusion

For the tools that I made I am going to use these to find out what objects are more dense and what objects are less dense. I would also like to use these to find out the volume and mass of other objects.