Introduction: "THE SCORPION" USB Power Bank

12v USB Power Bank

Made from materials likely laying around or at a store near you... for less then the cost of a pizza dinner.

Massive Power And charging time for Low Investment

With this as with many DIY Projects there are many variations and option to making one of these... So duplicate this and make it better cause you like it or follow the Foundational Idea with the law of 12v~usb board and create a power bank that fits your requirements of layout/design, 1.0 & 2.0 , Duel 2.0 or an open 12v outlet plug with built in solar panel on the side for maintaining peek charge... so keep your Mind Open, Create, Share...Repeat

Items Needed

• 10x Sub-C Batteries (any mah yet "ALL 10 MUST BE THE SAME mah POWER STRENGTH)

Wire connecters & plugs 2x Red & 2x Black (RC Hobby shop etc)

Battery wire Black & Red (again from RC Hobby shop etc)

• 12v USB Plug (many available options starting from $1.50 on Amazon Prime etc)

• Solder & Iron

• Electrical Tape

• J.B.Weld, Epoxy, etc

Liquid DIP (for coating electrical points & waterproofing)


1. Spray able DIP (Waterproofing, Grip & Insulation)
2. Paint
3. On/Off Switch
4. 12v Outlet Receptacle
5. Solar Panels (repurposed from yard lights etc or store)


Step 1: Prep & Layout

~ First thing you want to do is assure that all 10 of your batteries are the same power.

look at them and decide how you want to solder them together (all flat, all up, some up some down etc)

as well as in what position your going to attach the USB adapter (Keep in mind the direction the wires will go when soldered) then set aside.

~ Then take apart the USB Plug and prep the board for soldering on the new wires. (carefully remove the original wires & or spring) then set aside * See Attached Images

Step 2: Soldering and Structure

~ Now connect all the batteries together with solder (Use epoxy etc to hold batteries in position)

~ Solder Connecter Plugs to wires & then the wires to the Batteries

~ Solder up the on/off switch at this time if chosen (per manufacture direction)

~ Now Solder Jumper wires to the Main Plug Wire and secure to the board *See attached Image

~ Now secure the board to the battery pack

~ Cover all solder joints with DIP (battery ends & seal the wire/plug area)

~ seal over, in-case, cover etc the electrical board (I like J.B.Weld to cover and mold over seams,casings etc)

Step 3: Finishing, Waterproofing & or Moding Out

At this point your basically done yet want to seal it up a bit and make it a bit more esthetically except-able.

Just like the old soap box derby project as a kid you can fill in any spaces with any hardening putty that you like prior to painting/sealing.

If you want a good grip on the surface the spray on DIP is a great product for it....for more texture you can shake the can and get it to sputter when spraying final coat to get little rubber beads all over.

Yet on the Scorpion I designed it to set in a pocket, belt, backpack etc...much like a clip.

Update: 3-15-2014

Upon Request I have created a simple 12v charger hack for those needing a way to charge this type of pack...