Introduction: TV Remote Jammer
As,we all know that the TV remote is the cause of fights among us and our siblings(specially the younger ones).So, was my case . I decided to prank my family members by making the remote jammer. Original ible of kipkay is here.
How Does Remote Really Work ?
The concept is pretty simple and easy. You press a button. When you do that you complete a specific connection. The chip senses that connection and knows what button you pressed. It produces a morse-code-line signal specific to that button.
The transistors amplify the signal and send them to the infrared LED, which translates the signal into infrared light. The sensor in the TV can see the infrared light and "seeing" the signal reacts appropriately.
The frequency of this transmission is between 35kHz to 40kHz(38kHz in most of them).
What the jammer does is that it sends out a steady stream of binary code at the same frequency as of the remote.The TV cannot decode as it contains no information.
The information transmitted by the remote does not get pass through as the jammer is on and does not respond at all.
So, the remote is jammed and you can tune in on to one channel and give away the remote.
Here is my schematic and board file made on eagle.
How Does Remote Really Work ?
The concept is pretty simple and easy. You press a button. When you do that you complete a specific connection. The chip senses that connection and knows what button you pressed. It produces a morse-code-line signal specific to that button.
The transistors amplify the signal and send them to the infrared LED, which translates the signal into infrared light. The sensor in the TV can see the infrared light and "seeing" the signal reacts appropriately.
The frequency of this transmission is between 35kHz to 40kHz(38kHz in most of them).
What the jammer does is that it sends out a steady stream of binary code at the same frequency as of the remote.The TV cannot decode as it contains no information.
The information transmitted by the remote does not get pass through as the jammer is on and does not respond at all.
So, the remote is jammed and you can tune in on to one channel and give away the remote.
Here is my schematic and board file made on eagle.
Step 1: What You Need
The parts required are very few,cheap and easy to get.Those of you who want to buy them online I have supplied links against each components.
1. NE555 timer IC
2. 1N4148 high speed switching Diode
3. 10K Ohm variable resistor
4. 1.5K Ohm resistor
5. 220 Ohm resistor
6. 510 Ohm resistor
7. 1 Ohm resistor
8. 10nF Ceramic Capacitor
9. Infrared LED
10. Switch
11. transistor - BC547/BC548
1. Soldering Iron
2. Solder wire
3. Wires
4. 9V Battery or Adapter
5.9V battery holder
1. NE555 timer IC
2. 1N4148 high speed switching Diode
3. 10K Ohm variable resistor
4. 1.5K Ohm resistor
5. 220 Ohm resistor
6. 510 Ohm resistor
7. 1 Ohm resistor
8. 10nF Ceramic Capacitor
9. Infrared LED
10. Switch
11. transistor - BC547/BC548
1. Soldering Iron
2. Solder wire
3. Wires
4. 9V Battery or Adapter
5.9V battery holder
Step 2:
The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package.
It has 8 pins.The first pin is located on the left of the grove as seen above in the picture.Also, the functions of each pin is shown.(image courtesy:engineers garage).
Here to make jammer, it will be used as a astable multivibrator or in simple words to produce 38KHz periodic signal to mimic the remote signal.
This instructable should explain you well all the things about the IC.
It has 8 pins.The first pin is located on the left of the grove as seen above in the picture.Also, the functions of each pin is shown.(image courtesy:engineers garage).
Here to make jammer, it will be used as a astable multivibrator or in simple words to produce 38KHz periodic signal to mimic the remote signal.
This instructable should explain you well all the things about the IC.
Step 3: Some Common Mistakes Done With 555timer
1. Pin 7 gets connected to the 0v rail via a transistor inside the chip during part of the operation of the 555. If the pot is turned to very low resistance in the following circuit, a high current will flow through the pot and it will be damaged:
2. The impedance of the 100u electrolytic will allow a very high current to flow and the chip will get very hot. Use 10u maximum when using 8R speaker.
3. The reset pin (pin 4) is internally tied HIGH via approx 100k but it should not be left floating as stray pulses may reset the chip.
4. Don't use high value electrolytics and high resistances to produce long delays. The 555 is very unreliable with timing values above 5-10 minutes. The reason is simple. The charging current for the electrolytic is between 1 - 3 microamp in the following diagram (when the electro is beginning to charge) and drops to less than 1 microamp when the electro is nearly charged.
If the leakage of the electro is 1 microamp, it will never fully charge and allow the 555 to "time-out."
5. Do not connect a PNP to the output of a 555 as shown in the following diagram. Pin 3 does not rise high enough to turn off the transistor and the current taken by the circuit will be excessive. Use an NPN driver.
2. The impedance of the 100u electrolytic will allow a very high current to flow and the chip will get very hot. Use 10u maximum when using 8R speaker.
3. The reset pin (pin 4) is internally tied HIGH via approx 100k but it should not be left floating as stray pulses may reset the chip.
4. Don't use high value electrolytics and high resistances to produce long delays. The 555 is very unreliable with timing values above 5-10 minutes. The reason is simple. The charging current for the electrolytic is between 1 - 3 microamp in the following diagram (when the electro is beginning to charge) and drops to less than 1 microamp when the electro is nearly charged.
If the leakage of the electro is 1 microamp, it will never fully charge and allow the 555 to "time-out."
5. Do not connect a PNP to the output of a 555 as shown in the following diagram. Pin 3 does not rise high enough to turn off the transistor and the current taken by the circuit will be excessive. Use an NPN driver.
Step 4:
Now when you have all components (in case you dont find required resistor or capacitor i used you can use other the only thing is it shoud make 555 to be in astable mode. Here you can find the corresponding values and adjust the values of resistor & capacitor to get a frequency of 38KHz).
If you are making a PCB then Make a schematic (i madwe it on Eagle) and a board of it.
If you're making it on genereal purpose board the place components as per the circuit and solder the components carefully.
Also, if you don't know how to solder read this instructable.
You can download my schematic and board file also.
If you are making a PCB then Make a schematic (i madwe it on Eagle) and a board of it.
If you're making it on genereal purpose board the place components as per the circuit and solder the components carefully.
Also, if you don't know how to solder read this instructable.
You can download my schematic and board file also.
Step 5: Done! Try Jamming Other's Mind
If you have followed me till now you must have a nice jammer in your hand.
Here is the complete board. If there's a lot of space in your remote put it in it so that nobody knows of it.
Enjoy TV remote Jammer.
Other radio frequency jammer can also be made on same principle. I'll upload it soon when i'll make one! :P
Thanks Again!!!!!
Hope you like my instructable.
Here is the complete board. If there's a lot of space in your remote put it in it so that nobody knows of it.
Enjoy TV remote Jammer.
Other radio frequency jammer can also be made on same principle. I'll upload it soon when i'll make one! :P
Thanks Again!!!!!
Hope you like my instructable.