Introduction: Table Gadget With 8x8 LED RGB Matrix and Arduino Uno
Hello, dear!
In this tutorial we will do DIY RGB LED gadget, that could be used as table gadget or backlight.
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Step 1: Components
To create amazing LED backlight you will need:
- 8x8 WS2812 led matrix
- Arduino nano
- b10k potentiometr
- USB cable
Step 2: Wiring
Wire components at pcb using connection diagram. Tip - You can connect components with their legs.
Step 3: Case
Create triangle from cardboard and fix components on it. Add parer on it.
Step 4: Set Up and Upload Sketch
Upload sketch to arduino. Also you can change animation at 50 line of code.
Step 5: Functions
Potentiometr is for adjustment brightness.
Step 6: Thank You
Thank you for attention!
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