Introduction: Take AMAZING Pictures With Your Phone!

About: Yo yo Chris here, pro gamer parkourist and hacker, and a YouTuber up in here. Y'all be trippin over my hot 'ibles, so ill keep it flippin round here. I like to freestyle rap and anything related to weapons sur…
Want to take great pictures with your phone, but you're not a pro photographer? I'll teach you young student!

Step 1: Setting Up

You will need to setup before you take tasy licks of pictures. This is really important! First you'll need to optimize you're phone with a phone booster app. It will make your phone go faster. Second of all, you need to clean your camera lenses and wipe you're screen clean. Also close all apps.

Step 2: Photo Editing Software

You will need some good photo editing software. I use spinly, but you can use pixlr or whatever other app you want. Spinly lets you overlap photo effects, which I like. Lets flip to the next step.

Step 3: Taking the Picture

This is uber important! You'll need to be super still, or use a phone stand or anything to hold up you're phone, and you'll need to be focused. If you are taking pictures of people, try to get them to stay still. You should also ajust your photo settings to you're liking.

Step 4:

Step 5: Finishing Up

Take the picture and you're done! You can now upload the picture to you're editing app and start working on it. I hope you enjoyed my'ible, and dont forget to check out my others, and please vote for me in the Phone contest and Photography contest! God bless!