Introduction: Teddy Bear LED Lamp

About: It is the creativity that draws me towards architecture - the ability of an architect to create a living organism from dead matter, from a heap of amorphous materials and to blow a soul into it. Architecture r…

I was at a FAB14 conference and feeling guilty of being a whole week without my son I wanted to make him a gift :) We had a whole hall with all the tools and materials available so I decided to make him this lamp.

The whole concept of this Make is very easy, since the acrylic glass carries the light and it's best viewed on engraved parts this makes a perfect night light.

The graphics I've made was a bear, but you can easily make it into anything, see a Kitty LED Lamp project here, you can also you colorful LED


- access to a laser

- 1 opaque acrylic sheet 3mm (it's also called plexiglas, or PMMA) - min size 26x21cm

- 1 transparent acrylic sheet 3mm - min size 23x14cm

- LED strip with alimentation

- superglue

Step 1: Laser Cut

Cut out the files provided, one on transparent sheet and one on opaque sheet of acrylic glass.

Step 2: Vertical Part Assembly

Just glue the opaque parts from both sides of the transparent bear silhouette and slide it into the rails on the top of the LED strip (described in next part)

Step 3: Horizontal Part Assembly

Before attaching the rails for the bear verify that the bear fits well between them.

Step 4: And Turn It ON :)

Voila, the lamp is ready and my boy was really happy about it :)