Introduction: The Bolt

About: I like playing "Jump over the fence and scare little kids".
This, if you don't realise, is the follow up to my crossbow promise, I will teach you how to make a bolt, it really is a any crossbow bolt and is very primitive.

Step 1: Materials

You will need:
-At least 10cm long bullet head nails
- A hacksaw
- Duct tape
- Scissors.

As I said, simple.

Step 2: Chopping

Now, your going to have to chop some of the nail, so either put it in your vice, clamp it, or have a tough time. Were sawing off the bullet head so the nail has a consistent diameter.

Step 3: Taping It

Now were going to have to tape it with the duct tape. The fletches for this bolt are different from a standard shop bought bolt as there are only two fins so a clip can keep it in place ("What clip?" you ask, I haven't posted the crossbow I'm talking about yet). Wrap one layer of duct tape on the nail then pull it out, make a loop, then seal, repeat on the other side ("WHAT THE HELL?" you ask, then just look at the god-damned picture. Finally cut the tape to a fletch like appearance, also if you think your tape isn't that thick or it doesn't feel thick enough, tape another layer.

You are done, shoot at will, not a person called Will but to your desire or content.