Introduction: The Knex Mp5 With a Realistic Magazine
This gun has good power and accuracy, great looks and a working curved mag for green rods, also a true trigger. enjoy!. (this is my 2nd gun)
Step 1: The Curved Magazine
Step 2: The Handle
Step 3: The Trigger
Step 4: Barrel Extension
Step 5: Barrel and Stock
Step 6: Putting It Together
connect together
Step 7: Loading and Firing
Stretch that rubber band over the bottom of the gun and onto the firingpin, optional:put a yellow connector through the hole of of the firing pin to pull back easier, press the trigger and enjoy, also, to load the mag, take it off and FROM THE TOP put green rods in, about 10, then put the mag pusher and rubber bands into the mag. Enjoy, comment and rate!