Introduction: The Things Teachers Say (over and Over and Over)

As a teacher, do you ever find yourself repeating the same things over and over again? Want to save your voice? Look no further than the "What Teachers Say", which is a pressure switch board that you can attach to the wall, your whiteboard, or any surface you'd like. It will give you access to push buttons that will say those repeated sayings for you!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

- Makey Makey contol

- Alligator clips (2 per switch)

- Scratch Account (

- Cardboard

- Aluminum Foil

- Foam strips

- Packaging Tape

-Glue Stick

- Construction Paper

- Markers

Step 2: Make Your Pressure Switches

You will need to make pressure switches (as many as you would like). I made 3 for this project.

First, you will need to cut cardboard into equal parts (2 pieces per switch). Mine look like a S'more.

Next, glue aluminum foil to the cardboard pieces and cut off any excess foil.

After, Use 2 pieces of sticky foam and put a small piece on each side of the cardboard. You can use foam that is not sticky but you will need a rubber band to connect the two pieces of cardboard.

Make a sandwich with the two pieces of cardboard. The foam will give it some space.

Next hook up your alligator clips from Makey Makey. You will need two alligator clips per switch.

You will hook one alligator clip to the top cardboard piece pressure switch and one on the bottom piece of cardboard.

Then, hook one alligator clip to Earth on the Makey Makey controller and the other alligator clip to an arrow key.

Step 3: Scratch

Log on to and create an account (if you do not have one).

If you have a scratch account. Go to create in the top left corner.

Once you have a new project board, you will drag over an event. I used when ____ is pressed.

Next, drag over the sound. I used play sound ____ until done.

Record one "thing" you always say. Do this for as many switches as you would like. Example: Please put your name on your paper.

Test to make sure that when you push on the switch that it works with scratch.

Step 4: Create Button Presses for Your Switches (only If You Want)

This is a time to get creative! Use construction paper to draw your button presses or print off something that you like so that you will know what each pressure switch will say. Once you have what you want, cut it out, and glue it to one side of your cardboard switch. It makes it look much nicer and you will know which one will say the things you always say! Here's to not using your own voice as much. Enjoy!