Introduction: The (VERY DETAILED) Guide to Getting Your Crush to Like You!

About: nothing much. Just don't mess with my height. And i like penguins n cats, i draw stuff. and other stuff i won't list because that'll make a long bio.

You got a crush on a certain someone?

You want to tell them, but you simply can't?

Cool! Just read the following steps, and you'll have a higher chance of getting them! I guarantee!

(On a side note, this is my first guide- could have done a drawing tutorial, but my device cam doesn't really work, so- )


• Some form of self-esteem.

• Everyday stationary and paper (we'll need that for later)

• This guide.

• A device to read this guide.

• A few weeks of your time.

Step 1: Befriend That Person!

This is a very obvious step. Befriend that person so you can get to further know them. However, one word of advice is this: Make your friendship the best it can be, but try NOTto do the following:

  • Say stuff like "What? No way! I only like (crush's name) as a friend!". Especially in front of your crush.
  • Be too quick to flirt. (sure, small signs such as quick eye contact and shoulder taps are okay, but don't get too touchy)
  • Bring up past relationships regarding either side.

If you're already friends, then ignore this step.

So, how in the world would you befriend the said person? There are a bunch of other detailed guides out there, but here's mine. And it's fairly simple (A guide in a guide! :D )....

  • Speak to the person. I understand that there are lots of people out there far too shy to speak to their crush. But to get them to like you in the first place, you NEED to talk. Find a comfy topic to converse upon. Not something too serious or inappropriate. You can talk about work, homework, incoming holidays, etc. When you hold your first convo, let them speak first. Observe their attitude toward you. Observe their tone. Observe their voice. Then respond in your own personality, but be careful with what you say. Tread lightly, as this is a first convo.
  • Social media. It's not really that hard once you both have already gotten into a couple good conversations. But don't go stalking them.

Just ask for their social media username by saying something like;

+ "Oh and yeah- you got Instagram or Snapchat (or some other popular social media platform)? Can I add you?" Playing it smooth.

+ "Oh, you have Instagram (or other media)? Is it okay, um, if I add you?" Use something along the lines of this if you happen to hear them mention something they saw or posted on instagram (or other media).

+ "Do you have Instagram/(other social media you're pretty sure your crush uses)? Am I allowed to add you?" Be direct, but polite. And yes; actually say "allowed to". You want to make it clear that you respect their privacy.

+ "Oh wow you (draw/dance/do arts and crafts/bake/cook/any other visual art)? I'm sure your work is famous on (pick a social media you think they'll use)! I'd be honoured to check out your other works!" Try a line like this when you physically see one of your crush's visual art work. Yes. Flatter them like that. Only if you genuinely like their work.And don't say it in a way that sounds sarcastic.

This is a crucial part since in today's society, and many people post stuff on social media. It gives you the advantage to learning more about your crush and the chance to support them on stuff they post.

  • If their birthday comes around, give 'em something. Not something too extravagant, but good enough to make their day.
  • Help them with stuff when they need help. (but of course, have your limits)
  • Give them compliments about stuff like (crush's name)'s work or talents which you genuinely find interesting. And give out those compliments regularly.


Keep up with all this for a couple weeks. At the same time, work on Step 2: Appearance.

NOTE: If this person isn't worth befriending, or simply hint that they do not wish to befriend you, then they're not worth your time. Move on and find someone else. And also- if the said person you're crushing on is already in a relationship with someone else (like a 2D anime girl), forget about it and move on. I know of countless people who learned this the hard way (not talking about the 2D anime girl).

Step 2: Appearance

For starters, I get that you probably don't look like a super-model. Or you really hate that new pimple on your face. Or you really wanna burn your old wardrobe.

Yes, yes. I get it.

But seriously. Anyone can look their best. All you need is some self-esteem and ideas taken from what you already know about your crush.


Scenario Example:

If your crush mentions they love Pikachu, OBVIOUSLY don't go wearing a Pikachu onesie to school/work (though that'd be cute w). Keep it fairly noticeable but subtle. I mean it - subtle. Have a Pikachu keychain somewhere visible on you. Or wear a Pikachu hairlip or T-shirt. Then throw in an overall outfit that you like.

Once you have that, march to the washroom mirror and strike a brave smile. Yeah. You look great!

Wear something you like. Perhaps throw in a colour that your crush mentions as their favourite.

Then you shuffle outta the house and do your thing. When you speak to your crush while doing all this, don't go; "HEY (crush's name)! YOU SEE THIS PIKACHU ONESIE PIKACHU KEYCHAIN I HAVE ON MY BACKPACK?!! I HAVE IT HERE BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LIKE IT!!!!1111!!ElevenOne"

Please please please, don't do that. You'll scare 'em away.

You can flash the keychain by indirectly showing the back of your backpack to them from time to time, but otherwise just act normal and talk like you usually do.


Though your crush should definitely see you for who you are no matter the body size or shape, you should always be wary of your health and basic hygiene to keep a healthy self-esteem. That can be done by watching what you consume or do to your body.

Oh and yeah. Keep your back straight. Makes you look more confident. No slouching.

See? No need for extra makeup, extra bodybuilding, expensive clothes, or extra-special hair treatment.

Personally speaking, I'm allergic to numerous makeup products, but I can still look my best by wearing a small smile and my favourite fluffy scarf.

Step 3: Quirks

Once your crush feels comfortable interacting with you on a regular basis and you did the best you could in physical appearance, you can start introducing a bit more about yourself to them. When I mean "a bit more", I mean the quirky stuff. Like, funny things about yourself that you haven't told them about.

Stupid things you used to believe as a kid?

A lighthearted but embarrassing moment you've had as a kid?

You secretly enjoy this cute TV series that everyone else calls "cringe"?

Funny habits in the morning?

Yeah. That kind of stuff.

Though of course, be careful with what you say, avoiding the chance of deeply offending your crush.

Also; don't overdo it by bombarding them. Slip one or two in every few weeks of conversation.

Step 4: Preparing The... Confession!

Yes. It is time. The moment has arrived! It's time to tell your crush how you feel.

And I know. I never said this part was going to be easy.

Firstly, give yourself a pat on the back for already being friends with them.

Make sure though, that you've been friends with this person for at least a couple weeks (or months, depending on your confidence build). That way, you get to know them better and they get to know you.

If you want to go for something as simple as texting an "I like you." to your crush, go ahead. But if you really want to show your crush how much of an awesome person you can be and that you are indeed best amongst the rest, keep reading.

Ask yourself; what is your own personal flair? What makes you YOU? (I get this sounds cheesy and cliché, but hear me out.)

Now, what does you CRUSH like? And what do you like about THEM?

Write these down on a piece of paper or a mental note.


Take your personal flair to think of a base presentation to your confession. Then consider stuff your crush likes and try to combo it. For example; if you like to bake cookies, think about baking cookies for your crush based on their fav flavour. Or if you like to draw, draw your crush's favourite cartoon character or something they really like.OR, if you like to dance or collect stuff, choreograph something to show or give them something from your collection to show them how much they mean to you. The more effort you put into these, the better.

Now, for this next part, you can choose to either:

  • Take the thing you made/planned to your crush and then personally tell them how you feel. Tell them why.
  • Or you could take the the thing you made/planned to your crush and give them a short and sweet letter that explains how you feel about them and why.

If you plan on writing a letter, be careful with your wording. You don't want something too long-winded or too cliché. Or too stalker-ish, for that matter.

Just state that you like them and what makes them special to you. Don't be shy to mention that you've had a hard time trying to tell them. Honesty. Duh.

Here's an example (No need to copy it. Write it your way. Just try to follow the simplicity. ) :


Hey (crush's name),

I just want to let you know that I like you. You've always struck me as unique and perseverant. I love your honest laughter. I still can't believe you know so much more about dogs than I do!

I spent a lot of time debating with myself with whether I should tell you how I feel.

Take your time to answer. But please let me know at some point.

Thank you so much for everything, still.

(Sender's name here).

PS: Hope you enjoy the Shiba Inu painting!


See? Simplicity is the key here.

As for those who choose to verbally express their confession, here's a couple tips:

  • Similar to the letter advice. Don't be too cliché or longwinded. Imagine this situation as an elevator pitch.
  • Think of using a voice that comes from you. You can speak in a softer tone, but that's up to you. As long as the speech you deliver is OK.

FOOD TIP: If you're planning to bake something for your crush, it's better if you arrange a timing to meet them first [eg. ask to see them after school or during lunch (in school's case)]. Or at least be sure they'll be somewhere at a specific time.

Step 5: Confession Time

Just go for it and find time to give/show your finished works to your crush, along with the confession speech/letter.

Then, cross your fingers and hope it all works out.

And uh, count your lucky stars if your crush ends up liking you back.