The Pent Up Power of Kitchen Waste! (part of the Bio-fueled Water Pump Project)
Intro: The Pent Up Power of Kitchen Waste! (part of the Bio-fueled Water Pump Project)
The video shows the potential power of yeast or lactic acid fermentation of kitchen waste.
It is part of the bio-fueled water pump project. I have already made a proof of concept water pump that harnesses this power to recirculate water or compost tea to plants to help them grow better.
The other video used a much smaller "power pack" to pump water. Just yeast and sugar.
Hopefully this one shows that there is serious power in kitchen waste (moldy bread, stale pie, potato skins) and garden waste. (Slug damaged green beans, and ground up morning glory stems).
So there is no need to buy yeast or sugar to power your pump. Even the grass from the lawn mower can be used to water your indoor plants!
Please start your own version now and show people that this can be done. If it is just me, nobody will ever believe that this works.
Brian White
gaiatechnician 14 years ago
kwazai 12 years ago
kwazai 13 years ago
gaiatechnician 13 years ago
It works but it might end up too cumbersome to do.
kwazai 12 years ago
side note-I put a kiddie pool under my compost pile to collect 'leachate'. the drain flows out on the downhill side and its evident the difference in nutrtients coming out. fyi.
kwazai 13 years ago
Making compost tea should be worthwhile use for the gas produced irregardless(aerobic fermentation rather than anerobic). I've often wondered whether compost tea would ferment alchohol with yeast(lager- bottom feeder) and a little sugar. Its byproduct if do-able would be CO2 and alchohol. A layer of extravirgin olive oil across the top making it ferment a little longer and separating the alchohol out in the process. Not sure- never have tried. My understanding of the 'tea' production is that it is real easy to 'sour', and that it may be easier to'sour' than to get made correctly.
Either way this 'biogas' pump is a great idea- large scale should work better-trapped gas large compost pile maybe...