Introduction: Thor's Hammer Screwdriver Kit

About: My name is Britt Michelsen. I am a chemical engineer from Germany especially interested in computational fluid dynamics. To balance all the theoretical work, I like to make stuff in my free time

In this instructable I am going to show you how I hid a precision screwdriver set in Mjölnir (Thor's hammer).

After seeing this awesome concept I immediately knew that I wanted to bring it to life. The problem was that I am lacking the tools to make one from metal. So I decided to design a 3D printed version and instead of going with a full sized tool box version to go with a smaller size precision screwdriver set. Another thing that was important to me was to hide the mechanism as well as possible.

Step 1: Things You Need


  • Nanch Precision Screwdriver Set (e.g. from
  • Printer filament
  • Two component glue (e.g. this one)
  • Primer (I used this one), brown paint (I used this one)
  • Bearing: 6700 2RS 10x15x4 mm (e.g. here (you only need one))
  • 4 Magnets 2x8 mm
  • Clear coat
  • Sand paper
  • Optional: Filabot XTC-3D Coating (no really necessary, but it will safe you some time. E.g. here), shader (I used this one), different shades of brown and iron, tetrahydrofuran (if you are using PLA) or acetone (if you are using ABS)


  • Metal file (e.g. from or even better a Dremel
  • 3D printer
  • Optional: laser cutter

Step 2: Preparing Handle

Start by printing all the parts from the last step.

The first thing I realized designing the hammer was that using the original Nanch Precision Screwdriver would result in the handle being way to thick for my taste. So I decided to file it down and to elongate it. To be honest it took me quite some time until it looked as shown in the first picture. You should definitely use a Dremel to safe some time.

I tried using this set before I settled with the one described above. While it was way easier to sand the quality was so bad that I decided to throw it away.

The handle I designed consists of five parts. "insideHandleBottom.stl" is a thin shell which is place around the bottom part of the screwdriver, as shown in the pictures. Cut a small slit into it and glue it in place.

Step 3: Smoothing

I smoothed the handle with XTC-3D, sanded it slightly and used "Plate Mail Primer" by Army Painter. After painting it, I used a shader to add some depth. In order to make holding it easier I placed it over the screwdriver, but did not glue it in place just yet.

As you can see in the last picture, while XTC-3D worked really well on the handle, it didn't have a good effect on the runes. Smoothing them by wiping them with THF (they were printed in PLA) didn't work too well either. So I decided to remove superficial irregularities with sanding paper and smooth everything else by dipping the piece in THF.

Step 4: Assembly

Glue the magnets into the holes at the bottom of the rune plate and the body of the hammer. I realized that even though I designed four slots, two magnets were already able to hold everything in place. I suggest that you try two magnets at first and add two more, should you need them.

Now glue the rune plate to the slider that holds the screwdriver bits. The slots for the bits maybe a bit tight in some places, simply force the bits into them and pull them out again, repeating the process a few times should give a nice fit.

Next you will have to finish assembling the handle. Start by painting "handleBottom.par" and "handleTop.par". Place "handleBottom.par" into "hammerBody.par" and push the slider in place, as shown in the second picture. Now you can glue the handle to the screwdriver and make sure that it is flush with the hammer body. Afterwards you can glue "handleBottom.par" to the sliding mechanism at the bottom of the screwdriver. Glue "InsideHandleTop.par" into the top of the handle. Make sure that the thinner part is facing to the top, so that you can add the bearing, as shown in the third picture. Last you will have to glue "handleTop.par" in place. Add a small drop of glue to the bottom and glue it to the screwdriver.

If you want to, you can add some magnet tape to the indentation of the bit holder to have a nice place to store screws.

Step 5: Runes on the Top

As you can see in the picture, I was having problems 3D printing the runes. So instead I engraved them with a laser cutter.

In Thor’s Marvel Comics debut (Journey Into Mystery #83, August 1962) on the side of the hammer it states:

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"

But I decided to go with (which is used in the movie):

"He who wields this hammer commands the lightning and the storm"

I used this font to draw the runes. If you would like to make your own version of the rune plate, you can simply use the "Put on Path" function in inkscape to arrange the runes in a circle. You might have to play around with the font and inner circle size to arrange the letters properly. Once you are done simply delete the inner circle.

I laser cut the plate from 2 mm acrylic.