Introduction: TinkerCAD Tank (Basic)

About: I like to do a variety of projects with wood, paper and CAD system's. click my thingiverse link to download some of my projects

In this Instructable I will show you how to make a tank in TinkerCAD.

Step 1: The Base

first we need to make a base for the tank.

Garb a box and make it a 81x123 with with a radius of 2.87, but keep all of the other options the should look just like my picture.

Step 2: The Treds

now we can make treds for our tank.

first grab a ring and make it 14 wide and 139 long and 28 in height like in the pictures

now grab a cylinder and make it 26 by 20 and 25 high then make it have a bevel of 2.5 and then evenly space 3 of those on each side of the tank like in the picture.

Step 3: The Hatch

this step is probably the most simple just take a half sphere and put it on the tank

Step 4: The Guns and Gun Tower

now we can finish the tank with the part everyone loves about tanks.... the guns

now take a box and tube and stack them on each other but don't group them.

make the tube 20 by 20 with a a wall thickness of 4.74,8 sides, and a bevel of 10

now make the box also 20 by 20 ,

now you can group them together.

to make the guns, you need to grab, a handle and ball handle which can be found in the connectors sections in the parts list. then put them at an angle so they look like guns and they look aimed at something.

thank you for doing this with me, I hope you a pleased with your tank.