Introduction: To Make a Virtual Calculator Using Proteus Software
Download the Proteus software.
Step 1: To Make a Virtual Calculator Using Proteus Software
Download libraries in Proteus software.
This project is made using components
LCD 16x2
Step 2: Connect the Circuit As Shown in Figure in Proteus Software
Step 3: Download Arduino Software, Then Add Keypad.h Library
Step 4: Convert the Aurdino File Into .hex
For converting Arduino file into .hex go to sketch in Arduino then click on export compiled binary. After doing that the Arduino file will be converted into .hex extension.
Step 5: Upload the Arduino Programmed File in Proteus Arduino Software
As shown in the above figure upload the .hex extension file in Proteus Arduino software. To upload the Arduino programmed .hex extension file click on the files tab as shown in figure then upload the .hex extension file and then click ok.
Then click on the run button which is in the bottom of the Proteus software. Then that virtual calculator acts as a calculator.