Introduction: Top 5 Traveling Tips Everyone Should Now Before Travel

About: Hello, I'm Coolloom, and I love to make instructables. Please Visit, Comment and Like my instructables I visit everyday and post Instructables twice a month
Hi this is my instructable about like top 5 Traveling tips I will only write em no pics sorry

Step 1: 1:What to Pack

Like pack you stuff on the trip like only for the time you are going if you just going for like 10. Days don't pack 20 of a stuff

Step 2: More Important Things to Pack for the Airplane

Like if your going for long trips like 16 hours and whatever you will need these

1 A journal and a pen or pencil (I have pictures paper)

2 A cozy neck pillow you would need that if your not sitting in business class and you also can take like A cozy pillow because sometimes flight pillows are not cozy

3:One or two books (Not pictured)

4:Your headphones sometimes flight headphone bring you earache

5:Gum landing and before taking off

Step 3: Visiting Places

You can visit many different places like if you wanna go to a specific place in summer I think relate it with water like example Beach,Water park or maybe your local pool

Step 4: Trip Planning Days

I suggest what I like to make a trip of 10-15 days because you can like go like every where that is a tourist place and then like summer is long so you can go to many trips

Step 5: Food

Try eating the local food of the place like if you go to south India you might eat Like Dosa,Idly and whatever you get there

Step 6: Done

that was the end of it if you are going on a summer trip comment about it in the chat section don't forget to follow and like thank you