Introduction: Toy House From Waste Cereal Box
You need an empty cereal box, a pair of scissors, four thick papers, sketch pen, tape, and glue.
Step 1: Make a Roof
Stick the opened upper sides of the box with a tape or glue to make a roof of the house.
Cut a thick paper slightly (half a centi.) larger than the roof.
Step 2: Stick Papers on All the Side of the Box
Stick thick white or printed (pref. brick pattern) on all the sides of the box.
Step 3: Draw and Cut
Draw roof, door, and windows in the pattern of bricks with gel pen or sketch pen.
Cut open windows and doors leaving two sides (left & right) uncut.
Fold the uncut sides.
The toy-house is ready.
You can add LEDs or a lamp to lit the house.