Introduction: Transformer Skateboard!

I had a spare skateboard at home and some extra pieces of metal that I used to hold the skateboard in place while it wasn't being used as a chair. I added chains that held the seat in one position when it was opened and added a scrap piece of wood I had laying around from my gate.


  • 3 and 1/2 inch screws (2)
  • 12 inch chains (2)
  • pieces of metal
  • skateboard
  • screws

Step 1: The Base

I first had to cut inside the wood and add plates that'll hold the cut piece together. I realized once I opened the plates the wood would fall so I added a 3 and a half-inch screw on both sides to hold together the pieces and allow movement to open and close the skateboard.

Step 2: Movement

Adding 2 three and a half-inch screws on each end allowed the skateboard to open up like a chair but it still wasn't ready.

Step 3: Supports

I added two fourteen-inch chains to allow the skateboard to be opened and closed at about an 80-degree angle rather than 180.

Step 4: Final Product

This could definitely use some improvement but from what I had at home this was the best that I could do with what I had.