Introduction: Ugly Christmas Tree Sweater

About: Hi, I'm Lizzy Bennet! Not the one from Longbourn, but a Fitzwilliam Darcy fan nonetheless. I am a teacher and a vinedresser by profession, and enjoy reading and cooking in my spare time.

Get into the Christmas season with this "fashionable" Christmas tree sweater! All the steps are pretty flexible, and the whole outfit is easy to construct! Get creative!


  • green sweater
  • multi-colored Christmas lights
  • red and green clip-on hair bows
  • mini multi-colored ornaments
  • paper clips
  • red ribbon
  • 1 gold star

Step 1: Put Sweater On!

Step 2: Add Christmas Lights!

Step 3: Decorate!

Proceed to add hair bows, red ribbon, and ornaments! The more lopsided, the uglier!

Step 4: Top Off the "Tree" With a Star!

Using red ribbon, tie the gold star onto the object's face!