Introduction: Ultimate DIY Laser Safety Goggles
This instructable shows how to easily create laser safety goggles, that give perfect protection without reducing visibility. In addition to safety, it gives you the power of seeing in the near infrared range and the possibility of video documenting your work in progress.
When dealing with powerful (>3R) lasers, safety measures should always be taken into consideration. Sadly good quality safety goggles, that give simultaneous protection in many different frequencies are quite expensive and dramatically darkens your field of vision.
This is a dirty and cheap solution for working with hi-power lasers and it can easily be modified to fit your available gear and needs.
When dealing with powerful (>3R) lasers, safety measures should always be taken into consideration. Sadly good quality safety goggles, that give simultaneous protection in many different frequencies are quite expensive and dramatically darkens your field of vision.
This is a dirty and cheap solution for working with hi-power lasers and it can easily be modified to fit your available gear and needs.
Step 1: The Materials
I built this project from parts I had lying around and a plastic pipe I looted from a nearby construction area. So my total costs summed up to $0 !
Heres the parts you will need for this project:
1. Diving mask (should have a palstic frame)
2. Camera phone
3. PVC pipe
4. Big dark scarf
And some tools also:
- Scissors for cutting the mask.
- Saw and a knife or gouge to cut the pipe.
- Drill and screwdriver to fix the construction to the mask
- Some tape is always good
Heres the parts you will need for this project:
1. Diving mask (should have a palstic frame)
2. Camera phone
3. PVC pipe
4. Big dark scarf
And some tools also:
- Scissors for cutting the mask.
- Saw and a knife or gouge to cut the pipe.
- Drill and screwdriver to fix the construction to the mask
- Some tape is always good
Step 2: Prepairing the Mask
By cutting the nose part of the mask open, you will make breathing ~80% easier.
The lenses in my mask were badly scratched and ultimately useless so I ripped them off too.
The lenses in my mask were badly scratched and ultimately useless so I ripped them off too.
Step 3: Constructing the Extension Frame
The pipe structrue for these safety goggles consists of a frame to hold the phone and extenders to suspend it in front of the eyes
By some testing on how near my eyes can focus relaxed I found the sweet spot to be about 25cm in front of my eyes. To achieve this my extenders needed to be about 22cm long.
Throughout this project I used relativistic measurements. Measured the frame relative to the phone, measured the width of the indents relative to pipe width and so on.
To make the indents, I sawed halfway through the pipe and used a gouge to cut the pipe lengthwise. The end of the extenders that face the goggles should be sawed a bit further to allow them to bend to the curve on the goggles. Be careful, applying force to sharp objects might get you hurt if something slips.
By some testing on how near my eyes can focus relaxed I found the sweet spot to be about 25cm in front of my eyes. To achieve this my extenders needed to be about 22cm long.
Throughout this project I used relativistic measurements. Measured the frame relative to the phone, measured the width of the indents relative to pipe width and so on.
To make the indents, I sawed halfway through the pipe and used a gouge to cut the pipe lengthwise. The end of the extenders that face the goggles should be sawed a bit further to allow them to bend to the curve on the goggles. Be careful, applying force to sharp objects might get you hurt if something slips.
Step 4: Making of a Hole to Fit the Phone
Trace the phone with a felt tip, and cut to the half width of the frame (same as the indents).
Now the phone should click nicely into the frame.
Now the phone should click nicely into the frame.
Step 5: Mounting the Frame on the Goggles
Use some tape around the corners to secure the frame firmly together.
Drill holes and screw through the extenders and the corners of the frame. Do the same thing with the end facing the diving mask.
Drill holes and screw through the extenders and the corners of the frame. Do the same thing with the end facing the diving mask.
Step 6: How to Wear It
Finally wrap the scarf firmly around the suspending construction, and take care that it will not fall off.
Do this in a well lit room, so you can be sure no light leaks through!
Bear in mind that these goggles will make you lose the perception of depth. Be careful, don't mess things up! High-power lasers can damage your sight if handled without care.
Do this in a well lit room, so you can be sure no light leaks through!
Bear in mind that these goggles will make you lose the perception of depth. Be careful, don't mess things up! High-power lasers can damage your sight if handled without care.