Introduction: Variable Resistor
A variable resistor that is practicle for less than 100 ohms with +/- 1 ohm of accuracy.
Step 1:
It's pretty simple, break off the .5 lead. The length shown initially provided about 8 ohms. Anyways after you've chosen a length, take a knife and scrap away the .5 lead for awhile. I think mine was about .2 or .3. Click the pencil like 1 or 2 more times, (so the lead is still strong) and coil your wire around it. I used about 3 coils. Then do it again, and put the coils on either side of the lead. Solder both joints and test your ohms.
Step 2: Adjustments
Slide the contacts till you get in the ballpark of what you want. If you require more accurate ohms, slide the leads till the resistor shows fewer ohms than you want. Then scrape it the rest of the way.
This lil guy is exactly between 0.9 and 1.0 ohms.
This lil guy is exactly between 0.9 and 1.0 ohms.
Step 3: Seal It Up
Then seal with hot glue and your done!