Introduction: Very Easy Valentine's Day Gift - Clothespin Mini-Vase

About: I like making things 'splode. I also will be trying to make an Instructable every week! Subscribe please!
This is a very easy gift you can give your love on Valentine's Day!  It's just large enough to fit plants with small roots.

Step 1: Materials...

Here is all you need:


A can such as a cat food can or tuna can

A Creative Mind

Something to put in the finished project, such as candles or a plant

Step 2: The Actual Step 1

Clip the Clothespins to the rim of the can like this:

Step 3: Step 2

YOU ARE DONE!!! Now you just need to put the candle/plant in it.  If you want you can add little hearts in between the clothespins!

The finished product is on the title page.

Step 4: