Introduction: Very Strong Knex Gun Ram Rod

About: I’m no very active here anymore but I sometimes check in.

In this ‘ible I will show you how to make a great firing pin for your knex gun. This works in most knex guns but not any with a bullet lock/holder. This works very well in most oodammo guns. It doesn’t work very well in the tr8, tr12, or tr18 unless you somehow make the rod ever so slightly thinner. This is slightly expensive for a knex gun mod but it lasts really well. It costs 5 dollars assuming you already have jb weld.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Obtain a 1/4 steel rod (not threaded!), jb weld, a hacksaw, file, and a gray/purple knex connector.

Step 2: Cut the Rod

Tape the 1/4 steel rod so one end lines up with the end of a grey, black, neon orange, white, or blue knex rod (the longest standard one). Then clamp it in a vice (not needed but very helpful) and cut it as straight as you can using a hacksaw. After you cut clean up the cut with a file.

Step 3: Cut the Connector and Stick It On

I used an orange connector for this but you should use a dark gray/purple connector. First cut off the top so it looks like the first photo. Then file the other end like in the next photos. After that jb weld it onto the rod. Be very careful to only get the jb weld on the end because excess could prevent the firing rod from working properly. Make sure you put the connector on the least straight end (meaning the one with the least straight cut) to ensure it works properly in a knex gun.

Step 4: Reinforce the Pin

After the jb weld has had about ten hours to cure (it needs 24 but it’s fine if you do this step after only 10) wrap a 2 inch long piece of electrical tap around the top. Then wrap an old, worn out #64 around the top. Then wrap 3 to 4 inches of electrical tape around the rubber band

Step 5: Finished!

You’re done! This firing pin should last a long time if made correctly.