Introduction: WS2812B LED Controller

About: Hello, I am Vernon from NerdCave a DIY channel, I focus on microcontrollers and coding.

Welcome to this tutorial on creating a custom PCB controller for the WS2812B LED using either the Raspberry Pi Pico or the D1 Mini. This PCB simplifies the process of controlling these popular addressable LEDs by utilizing the Neopixel library with the Raspberry Pi Pico or WLED firmware. Whether you're looking to enhance your lighting projects or explore new possibilities with LED control, this guide will walk you through the entire process.


Custom PCB - 1

Raspberry Pi Pico W - 1

D1 Mini - 1

12*12 mm Push Buttons - 2

2.54 20 pin Header - 2

Screw Terminals 2.54mm Pitch (2-Pin) - 7

Miscellaneous Depending on Design

Step 1: Schematic Diagram

The schematic diagram was created using EasyEDA. All components used are through-hole types, making the soldering process easier and more accessible, especially for beginners. This design offers enhanced reliability, as the leads pass completely through the board and are soldered in place, resulting in stronger and more durable connections.

Step 2: PCB Design

The PCB was designed using EasyEDA, a free and user-friendly web-based tool that supports circuit design, simulation, and PCB layout. This design includes several key features:

  • Two Push Buttons: Control the LED strip with preset colors for easy operation.
  • Bluetooth Connector: An integrated connector for adding Bluetooth functionality via the HC-05 module, allowing for wireless control.
  • Mounting Holes: The PCB is equipped with four 3mm mounting holes, making it easy to secure within an enclosure.

Step 3: Order PCB


The PCB was ordered through JLCPCB, which provides high-quality PCBs at an affordable price. They often have promotions and coupons available throughout the year. You can sign up using this link to support me as a creator, helping me continue to provide accessible and open-source content at no charge to you.

Ordering your PCB is straightforward:

  1. Download the Gerber File: Get the Gerber file from the link provided.
  2. Add Gerber File: Click on "Add Gerber File" on the JLCPCB website.
  3. Adjust Settings: Leave all settings at their defaults. If desired, you can change the PCB color in this step.
  4. Enter Shipping Details: Fill in your shipping information and save it to your cart.
  5. Place Order: After a few days, depending on your location, you’ll receive your high-quality PCB.

Step 4: Raspberry Pi Pico Code

The following code demonstrates how to control WS2812B LED strips using the Neopixel library on the Raspberry Pi Pico. This example defines several colors and initializes multiple LED strips with the ability to control their colors.

from neopixel import Neopixel

# Defined colors in RGB format
colors_rgb = {
    'red': (255, 0, 0),
    'orange': (255, 50, 0),
    'yellow': (255, 255, 0),
    'green': (0, 255, 0),
    'blue': (0, 0, 255),
    'indigo': (100, 0, 90),
    'violet': (200, 0, 100),
    'blank': (0, 0, 0)

def init_strips(num_leds_for_each_strip, led_indexes, brightness):
    """Initialize the LED strips with specified number of LEDs and brightness."""
    strips = [Neopixel(num_leds, index, index, "GRB") for num_leds, index in zip(num_leds_for_each_strip, led_indexes)]
    for strip in strips:
    return strips

def control_each_strip(strips, num_leds_for_each_strip, color_names):
    """Control the color of each LED strip based on the specified color names."""
    for idx, strip in enumerate(strips):
        color_name = color_names[idx]
        # Get the RGB color value based on the color name
        color_values = colors_rgb.get(color_name, None)
        if not color_values:
            print(f'Invalid color name: {color_name}. Valid options are: {list(colors_rgb.keys())}')
        for i in range(num_leds_for_each_strip[idx]):
            strip.set_pixel(i, color_values)

# Configuration for LED strips
num_leds_for_each_strip = [26, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]  # Number of LEDs for each strip
led_indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]                # Indexes for each LED strip
strips = init_strips(num_leds_for_each_strip, led_indexes, brightness=100)
control_each_strip(strips, num_leds_for_each_strip, ['blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'red', 'violet', 'orange'])

Code Explanation:

  • Color Definitions: The colors_rgb dictionary maps color names to their respective RGB values.
  • init_strips Function: Initializes the LED strips with the specified number of LEDs and sets their brightness.
  • control_each_strip Function: Loops through each strip, retrieves the corresponding color, and sets each LED in the strip to that color.
  • Configuration Variables: num_leds_for_each_strip specifies how many LEDs each strip contains, while led_indexes denotes the indexes of the strips.

Here is the Neopixel Library:

import array, time
from machine import Pin
import rp2

# PIO state machine for RGB. Pulls 24 bits (rgb -> 3 * 8bit) automatically
@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, out_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_LEFT, autopull=True, pull_thresh=24)
def ws2812():
T1 = 2
T2 = 5
T3 = 3
out(x, 1) .side(0) [T3 - 1]
jmp(not_x, "do_zero") .side(1) [T1 - 1]
jmp("bitloop") .side(1) [T2 - 1]
nop().side(0) [T2 - 1]

# PIO state machine for RGBW. Pulls 32 bits (rgbw -> 4 * 8bit) automatically
@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, out_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_LEFT, autopull=True, pull_thresh=32)
def sk6812():
T1 = 2
T2 = 5
T3 = 3
out(x, 1) .side(0) [T3 - 1]
jmp(not_x, "do_zero") .side(1) [T1 - 1]
jmp("bitloop") .side(1) [T2 - 1]
nop() .side(0) [T2 - 1]

# Delay here is the reset time. You need a pause to reset the LED strip back to the initial LED
# however, if you have quite a bit of processing to do before the next time you update the strip
# you could put in delay=0 (or a lower delay)
# Class supports different order of individual colors (GRB, RGB, WRGB, GWRB ...). In order to achieve
# this, we need to flip the indexes: in 'RGBW', 'R' is on index 0, but we need to shift it left by 3 * 8bits,
# so in it's inverse, 'WBGR', it has exactly right index. Since micropython doesn't have [::-1] and recursive rev()
# isn't too efficient we simply do that by XORing (operator ^) each index with 3 (0b11) to make this flip.
# When dealing with just 'RGB' (3 letter string), this means same but reduced by 1 after XOR!.
# Example: in 'GRBW' we want final form of 0bGGRRBBWW, meaning G with index 0 needs to be shifted 3 * 8bit ->
# 'G' on index 0: 0b00 ^ 0b11 -> 0b11 (3), just as we wanted.
# Same hold for every other index (and - 1 at the end for 3 letter strings).

class Neopixel:
def __init__(self, num_leds, state_machine, pin, mode="RGB", delay=0.0001):
self.pixels = array.array("I", [0 for _ in range(num_leds)])
self.mode = set(mode) # set for better performance
if 'W' in self.mode:
# RGBW uses different PIO state machine configuration = rp2.StateMachine(state_machine, sk6812, freq=8000000, sideset_base=Pin(pin))
# dictionary of values required to shift bit into position (check class desc.)
self.shift = {'R': (mode.index('R') ^ 3) * 8, 'G': (mode.index('G') ^ 3) * 8,
'B': (mode.index('B') ^ 3) * 8, 'W': (mode.index('W') ^ 3) * 8}
else: = rp2.StateMachine(state_machine, ws2812, freq=8000000, sideset_base=Pin(pin))
self.shift = {'R': ((mode.index('R') ^ 3) - 1) * 8, 'G': ((mode.index('G') ^ 3) - 1) * 8,
'B': ((mode.index('B') ^ 3) - 1) * 8, 'W': 0}
self.num_leds = num_leds
self.delay = delay
self.brightnessvalue = 255

# Set the overal value to adjust brightness when updating leds
def brightness(self, brightness=None):
if brightness == None:
return self.brightnessvalue
if brightness < 1:
brightness = 1
if brightness > 255:
brightness = 255
self.brightnessvalue = brightness

# Create a gradient with two RGB colors between "pixel1" and "pixel2" (inclusive)
# Function accepts two (r, g, b) / (r, g, b, w) tuples
def set_pixel_line_gradient(self, pixel1, pixel2, left_rgb_w, right_rgb_w, how_bright = None):
if pixel2 - pixel1 == 0:
right_pixel = max(pixel1, pixel2)
left_pixel = min(pixel1, pixel2)

for i in range(right_pixel - left_pixel + 1):
fraction = i / (right_pixel - left_pixel)
red = round((right_rgb_w[0] - left_rgb_w[0]) * fraction + left_rgb_w[0])
green = round((right_rgb_w[1] - left_rgb_w[1]) * fraction + left_rgb_w[1])
blue = round((right_rgb_w[2] - left_rgb_w[2]) * fraction + left_rgb_w[2])
# if it's (r, g, b, w)
if len(left_rgb_w) == 4 and 'W' in self.mode:
white = round((right_rgb_w[3] - left_rgb_w[3]) * fraction + left_rgb_w[3])
self.set_pixel(left_pixel + i, (red, green, blue, white), how_bright)
self.set_pixel(left_pixel + i, (red, green, blue), how_bright)

# Set an array of pixels starting from "pixel1" to "pixel2" (inclusive) to the desired color.
# Function accepts (r, g, b) / (r, g, b, w) tuple
def set_pixel_line(self, pixel1, pixel2, rgb_w, how_bright = None):
for i in range(pixel1, pixel2 + 1):
self.set_pixel(i, rgb_w, how_bright)

# Set red, green and blue value of pixel on position <pixel_num>
# Function accepts (r, g, b) / (r, g, b, w) tuple
def set_pixel(self, pixel_num, rgb_w, how_bright = None):
if how_bright == None:
how_bright = self.brightness()
pos = self.shift

red = round(rgb_w[0] * (how_bright / 255))
green = round(rgb_w[1] * (how_bright / 255))
blue = round(rgb_w[2] * (how_bright / 255))
white = 0
# if it's (r, g, b, w)
if len(rgb_w) == 4 and 'W' in self.mode:
white = round(rgb_w[3] * (how_bright / 255))

self.pixels[pixel_num] = white << pos['W'] | blue << pos['B'] | red << pos['R'] | green << pos['G']

# Converts HSV color to rgb tuple and returns it
# Function accepts integer values for <hue>, <saturation> and <value>
# The logic is almost the same as in Adafruit NeoPixel library:
# so all the credits for that
# go directly to them (license:
def colorHSV(self, hue, sat, val):
if hue >= 65536:
hue %= 65536

hue = (hue * 1530 + 32768) // 65536
if hue < 510:
b = 0
if hue < 255:
r = 255
g = hue
r = 510 - hue
g = 255
elif hue < 1020:
r = 0
if hue < 765:
g = 255
b = hue - 510
g = 1020 - hue
b = 255
elif hue < 1530:
g = 0
if hue < 1275:
r = hue - 1020
b = 255
r = 255
b = 1530 - hue
r = 255
g = 0
b = 0

v1 = 1 + val
s1 = 1 + sat
s2 = 255 - sat

r = ((((r * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) >> 8
g = ((((g * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) >> 8
b = ((((b * s1) >> 8) + s2) * v1) >> 8

return r, g, b

# Rotate <num_of_pixels> pixels to the left
def rotate_left(self, num_of_pixels):
if num_of_pixels == None:
num_of_pixels = 1
self.pixels = self.pixels[num_of_pixels:] + self.pixels[:num_of_pixels]

# Rotate <num_of_pixels> pixels to the right
def rotate_right(self, num_of_pixels):
if num_of_pixels == None:
num_of_pixels = 1
num_of_pixels = -1 * num_of_pixels
self.pixels = self.pixels[num_of_pixels:] + self.pixels[:num_of_pixels]

# Update pixels
def show(self):
# If mode is RGB, we cut 8 bits of, otherwise we keep all 32
cut = 8
if 'W' in self.mode:
cut = 0
for i in range(self.num_leds):[i], cut)

# Set all pixels to given rgb values
# Function accepts (r, g, b) / (r, g, b, w)
def fill(self, rgb_w, how_bright = None):
for i in range(self.num_leds):
self.set_pixel(i, rgb_w, how_bright)

# Clear the strip
def clear(self):
self.pixels = array.array("I", [0 for _ in range(self.num_leds)])

Step 5: D1 Mini WLED Setup

Setting up WLED on the D1 Mini allows you to control your WS2812B LED strips easily and wirelessly. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • D1 Mini
  • WS2812B LED strip
  • Power supply for the LED strip
  • USB cable for programming the D1 Mini

Step 2: Flash WLED to the D1 Mini

  1. Download WLED Firmware: Visit the WLED GitHub page and download the latest firmware for the D1 Mini.
  2. Use the ESP8266 Flashing Tool: You can use tools like ESPhome-Flasher or NodeMCU Flasher to flash the firmware.
  3. Connect the D1 Mini: Use a USB cable to connect the D1 Mini to your computer.
  4. Select the Firmware File: Open the flashing tool and select the WLED firmware file you downloaded.
  5. Select the COM Port: Make sure to select the correct COM port for your D1 Mini.
  6. Flash the Firmware: Click on the “Flash” button to upload the firmware to the D1 Mini.

Step 3: Connect the LED Strip

  1. Wiring the Strip: Connect the data pin of the WS2812B strip to the D1 Mini’s GPIO pin (typically D4). Connect the power and ground pins of the LED strip to an appropriate power supply.
  2. Powering the D1 Mini: Make sure the D1 Mini is powered through the USB connection.

Step 4: Configure WLED

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi: After flashing, the D1 Mini will create a Wi-Fi network named "WLED-AP." Connect to this network using your smartphone or computer.
  2. Access the Configuration Interface: Open a web browser and navigate to This will take you to the WLED configuration page.
  3. Set Up Your Wi-Fi: Go to the Wi-Fi settings and connect WLED to your home network by entering your Wi-Fi SSID and password.
  4. Save Settings: Click "Save" to apply the changes. The D1 Mini will reboot and connect to your home Wi-Fi.

Step 5: Control Your LEDs

  1. Access WLED Interface: After connecting to your Wi-Fi, find the D1 Mini's IP address using your router's connected devices list. Open a web browser and enter the D1 Mini's IP address.
  2. Use the WLED Controls: You can now control the WS2812B LED strip using the intuitive WLED interface, which offers a variety of effects, colors, and presets.

Step 6: Conclusion

In this tutorial, we've explored how to create a custom PCB controller for WS2812B LEDs using either a Raspberry Pi Pico or a D1 Mini. We walked through the entire process, from designing the PCB and ordering it through JLCPCB to setting up the Raspberry Pi Pico and D1 Mini with WLED firmware.

What We’ve Learned:

  • PCB Design: How to design a PCB using EasyEDA, incorporating features such as push buttons and Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Firmware Installation: How to flash WLED onto a D1 Mini to enable easy, wireless control of your LED strips.
  • LED Control: Basic programming with the Neopixel library on the Raspberry Pi Pico and WLED setup for intuitive LED management.

Benefits of the Project:

  • Custom Control: With this setup, you gain precise control over your LED strips, allowing for a wide range of colors and effects.
  • Flexibility: By using either the Raspberry Pi Pico or the D1 Mini, you can choose the hardware that best fits your needs and preferences.
  • Enhanced Creativity: This project provides a solid foundation for various creative applications, from ambient lighting to interactive displays.

I encourage you to experiment with the design, modify the code, and explore the many possibilities that WLED and Neopixel control offer. Share your results, projects, or any modifications you make with our community. Your feedback and creativity help inspire others and contribute to the ongoing development of open-source projects.

Thank you for following along with this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed the process and are excited to apply what you’ve learned to your own projects. Happy building!

Step 7: YouTube Video

YouTube Video

To complement this tutorial, I’ve created a detailed YouTube video that visually walks you through the entire process of building the WS2812B LED controller PCB. In the video, you’ll see step-by-step instructions on:

  • Designing the PCB in EasyEDA
  • Ordering the PCB from JLCPCB
  • Setting up the Raspberry Pi Pico and D1 Mini
  • Flashing WLED firmware onto the D1 Mini
  • Wiring the LED strips and controlling them using the Neopixel library

Be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a comment if you found the video helpful or if you have any questions. Your support helps me create more content like this, and I love hearing about your projects and experiences!