Introduction: Window Stop From Old Computer

About: Hey my name is Jeremy. I have been contributing since september 06, getting in excess of 65,000 hits. I think thats pretty cool. Favorite: Distro: Opensuse Tool: Hmmm, good one. I'd say dremel. Show: Dr. Who …
I had a dead laptop lying around, and I wanted to upcycle it into something useful in my room. My window also would not stay open, so I hacked them together, allowing my window to be propped open by a laptop.

Step 1: Obtain a Laptop

Ask your friends if they have one, break one, find one in Best Buy's dumpster, etc.

This is the single most important step.

Step 2: Jam Laptop in Window

Place the laptop between the window and window sill, and let the window put its weight onto the laptop, jamming it in place.

Step 3: Enjoy the Breeze!

Now feel the refreshing breeze blowing through your open window. Give yourself a pat on the back for upcycling a useless component as well!