Introduction: Wire Spool Coffee Table

About: Liberty University alumni carpenter and welder

I recently moved into a new house and was in need of a coffee table for my living room. I found this old wire spool on the property that needed to be taken care of, I then realized I could knock out two birds with one stone.


jig saw or reciprocating saw, sander, stain, polycrylic or polyurethane and a medium sized wooden spool.

Step 1: Sand

Sand down until very smooth and no nails or splinters are sticking out.

Step 2: Cut Base

I just used my Yeti as a templet to draw a circle around the base. Some pieces started falling apart smoke sure to glue everything together and clamp it down. Sand around the edges of the freshly cut base.

Step 3: Stain

I used a Minwax Red Mahogany stain to evenly cover the whole table.

Step 4: Apply Polycrylic

I applied 3 coats of poly to the top and 2 coats to the base and the "leg" of the table, sanding between coats.