Introduction: Wireless Bluetooth Bot Using Arduino and Bluetooth
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to make a wireless Bluetooth Bot using Arduino and Bluetooth module hc-05, and control it using our smartphone.
Step 1: HC-05 Bluetooth Module
The HC-05 Bluetooth Module is responsible for enabling Bluetooth Communication between Arduino and Android Phone.
For more information on HC-05 Bluetooth Module, refer to HC-05 Bluetooth Module.
Step 2: L298N Motor Driver
The L298N Motor Driver Module is responsible for providing the necessary drive current to the motors of the robotic car.
Step 3: Circuit Diagram
Step 4: Android Application
App for voice command control – Download
App for Button and Gesture Control – Download
Voice command app
You can set the voice command and what data to send at that voice command.
I’ve configured 5 voice commands,
Forward & Data = 1
Backward & Data = 2
Right & Data = 3
Left & Data = 4
Stop & Data = 5
Gesture and Button Control App
In this the data sent is fixed by the developer of the app.
Forward – FF
Backward – BB
Right – RR
Left – LL
Stop – SS
Step 5: Output Video
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