Introduction: Write an Instructable for RC1

This article will help you create an instructable for your learners. Use RC1 to help your learners interact with their surroundings, create, innovate, learn and grow. Let your learners' imagination lead. Your learners can simulate a rocket launch, design a video game, or buzz when water boils.

The instructable has 3 sections

  • Introduction: Topic, summary, and objectives.
  • Supplies: What you'll need to develop the project.
  • Steps: The 5 steps needed to develop the project.

The Introduction

In the introduction, you'll elaborate on the topic and list objectives.


Choose a topic in the STEM field. Your topic needs to fall under one of the following sections:

  • Teaches something in school curricula (Add sources)
  • Imagines a solution for a problem around you
  • Aims to improve the livelihood of people with disabilities
  • Aims to improve the efficiency of an important process


Write the summary for the activity (Use or expand on the following template)

In this tutorial, you will create/build a "_____".

The "_____" will be used to "_____"


Write 3 - 5 objectives, at least 1 in each of the following categories

Comprehension Objectives: Understanding what things mean

Example: After this class, learners will be able to (Define, describe. list things, or differentiate between things)

Application Objectives: Applying facts, concepts, and ideas

Example: Learners will (sketch, build, operate, use, etc.. ) something

Critical thinking Objectives: Processing and critiquing concepts, ideas, and objects

Example: learners will (Analyze, test, design, categorize or compare between things)

For a more expanded objectives verb list, use the list found here

The Supplies

Mention the supplies you'll use


  1. TekTech RC1 + USB wire
  2. Download APP (Windows Only)

The Steps

The 5 steps

The steps are inspired by the Design Thinking process that helps learners move through the discovery of needs, idea generation, and idea testing.

There are 5 steps

  1. Imagine it
  2. Code
  3. Build (If needed)
  4. Test it
  5. Reflect on it

You'll find more info about each step below


  1. TekTech RC1 + USB wire
  2. Download APP (Windows Only)

Step 1: Imagine It

In this section, you aim to:

  • Gain learner's attention
  • Build suspense
  • Tell learners about the project
  • If you're solving a certain problem or tackling an issue, describe the problem.

Give examples and add photos or videos from real life.

Tell a story from real life on how the project can be implemented.

Show a final project or a video of a final project.

Step 2: Code

Add the code used to build.

  • For block code, add a screenshot
  • For Python, paste the code

Step 3: Build

Add the step-by-step process for building the activity design.

  • Utilize material listed in the supplies section
  • Use photos and videos

Step 4: Test It

Add the criteria for the project's success.

  • How can learners sense that the project is successful?
  • What are the criteria for the success or failure of the project?

Use photos and videos when nessecary

Step 5: Reflect on It

Allow learners to reflect on the learning experience


  • How can learners improve the current design?
  • How can learners build on the current design to make a more complicated design?
  • How can learners add this design to their daily lives?
  • How can this design impact affect the learners' life?
  • Any other reflections you see fit