Introduction: Xbox 360 Slim Internal Power Supply Psu

About: Lamp make, console modder, hobbiest .. love create things. Eletronics, hand made product, bottle lamps, etc


I never liked transformers hanging on equipment, cable clutter that installs on the TV setup, transformers always on stand-by, etc.

A moment of inspiration occurred when looking power connector on the console, it has the same shape and size of a european C13/C14 connector commonly used in desktop computers power supply's.

I remember spending hours trying to imagine how to fit the power supply inside the console, reduce heating, proximity to sensitive components, connections and ease of disassembly for repair if necessary.

Let's do this :-)

Step 1: Begin Thinking


This project begins in October of 2017, when disassembling the 360 and the psu* and see that it is possible to fit in the place where the DVD drive is located. Not only is a air intake area for the console and help the cool naturally without need more fans but also is the only place where I see that it is possible to fit the psu*.

Not everything looks favorable because there are important components in this part of the console plate, namely the NAND chip, inductors, capacitors, voltage regulators, piezo buzzer, SATA connectors, 4 GB internal storage card, essential protect and space somehow the power supply and the motherboard of the console.

At this point it's been days and I couldn't see a simple solution, because I had to move some of the components to save some space and somehow away from heat and magnetic interference caused by psu, since the RGH Glitch chip is affected by the proximity of the psu and the console can't boot as intended. At the time did not see clearly how to solve these questions then decide it is necessary to take some time for an idea arises, improvement or even learn more and go through.

*psu- power supply unit.

Step 2: Forward Project - Making RF Shield and Prepare the PSU

Months passed and on 25 April 2018 after publishing 1 article on twitter a friend gives a new light to the project and clarify my ideas.

In particular it was necessary to do a test with some electromagnetic shield and electric insulator around the power supply to reduce the interference that this caused in the board of the console.. I've used thin cardboard wrapped in aluminium foil from kitchen properly isolated with adhesive tape and the test is a success.

To make a truly effective shield reused an old computer power supply metal case, making some cuts and holes until you get the desired size.

On xbox power supply, taking advantage of the existing holes 4 put some plastic spacers (2 drilled for placement of screws and other 2 without any hole) avoiding any contact of the electric power supply.

Make 2 drill holes on the metal housing of the console to allow screw on the power supply and cut in the area where they are going to be the power socket 220v and switch.

Step 3: Wiring, Moving Components

It was necessary to apply new wires in power supply, insulated connectors to connect power cables to 220v, apply ferrite bars on both cables and tie/Lockdown. On board of the console, removed the internal 4 GB card that was not necessary, removed the piezo buzzer and replaced with a speaker a bit far away, moved a capacitor and extract the original connector that feed the 12v and 5v from the external power supply to the console motherboard. In this same spot welded connector 4 wire directly from the internal power supply.

Step 4: Connect and Mount Everything

The last phase is the real deal, accommodate all new cables, power supply and other parts.

TIP: when removing the DVD drive, need to put the jumper on dvd power connector like showed on image, without it the front green led of console will blink forever.

Step 5: Project Done

Final adjustments

With the removal of the DVD drive and another cover that stays around the main fan, the two side entrances are pretty much clear and to add a little more air, via software increased incremental console fan speed , making reaching certain levels of heat in both the CPU as GPU this gradually increase the speed a little more above the manufacturer's configuration.

A real test with the console closed, after a 25-minute play the Ace Combat 6 maximum recorded temperature and keeping the fan in 45% of total capacity (the noise level is almost imperceptible), registered number in 62.9 CPU and 57.7° on the GPU.

A few days later have adjusted the main fan to 50% of total capacity and the maximum temperature registered is 60º degrees.