Introduction: Your Own Super Heroes and Villains Movie!!!

Boom! Kaboom! Thwack! Splash!

You can make a super cool action movie with the help of this instructable..

In this superb instructable we will show you how to make your action figures, lighting effects,

flying particles,etc....And convert them all into a movie directed and written by you.....

So we are going to start..

Step 1: Materials Required...

For our movie we are using Different Action Figures..

You can use as many as you wish..

  • A4 size papers or photo papers
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Wooden sticks
  • Computer/Laptop
  • Hobby Knife
  • Printer
  • Pivot Pins
  • Leds
  • Li Ion coin cells
  • A good camera
  • Black/Blue chart paper or cloth
  • Action figures or you can use CubeeCraft TM(from Cubeecraft)
  • A script made by you....

You can find these things locally..

if can't question us..

Now we will start making this movie props...

Step 2: Characters(Print)...

We are making a action scene between IronMan and Loki..

We have used their CubeeCraft templates...

You can download them from here..Cubeecraft

You can try any character you want..

Just print the images and then cut out each part...

But if you have your action figure you can skip to step 7

Step 3: Characters(Head)...

After cutting out the head with the help of scissors

cut the slits with the help of a hobby knife..

Then fold the head to make a cube and tape it after making a cube..

Add extra things to the head if required...

Be Precise while doing this..

Step 4: Characters(Torso),(legs)...

Now Just like the head make this like a cuboid and tape it..

make sure to cut all the slits first..

Then do the same with the legs...

add extra paper to make the legs stronger...

now just push the legs into the torso and the torso into the head...

Now check that it should stand properly if not just balance it by adding paper to the correct side..

Step 5: Characters(Hands)...

Now Make the hands...

They Are complex so make them calmly and softly...

add extra things like swords, guns,etc....

now join the hands to the torso in right position...

see the pictures above for the guide...

Step 6: Characters (Finish)....

Add some sticks to the torso to move your character....

now paint the sticks to match them with the background...

you can customize your Cubeecraft TM by adding pivot pins to move hands or to rotate head...

Now as your characters are made you can now start with the background...

keep your characters in a safe place until you have completed...

Now we are going to start with the background

Step 7: Background...

You can use black or blue chart paper for a basic background...

then you can add animals from this link...


Also you can add trees and bushes.....

You can also google papercraft trees

or papercraft animals...

for a mysterious story you can search papercraft dragons like this one....

if b/w dragon comes remove bw after 2012 from the address...

You can also print background images and paste them on the chart paper like this one....

You can do what you want.....

You can find many other as you want...

now we are moving towards lighting....

Step 8: Lighting...

Now attach leds to coin cells with longer terminal of the led to positive side of the cell...

and smaller to the negative side...

you can use this color guide for reference...

Red-Anger, action,super powers,

Blue-Mystery, Fear, Halloween,

Yellow-morning, sunshine, blasts, thunder,

Green-Nature, Alienatic reference,

RGB cycling-Disco, Party time,


Step 9: Particles(Fires)...

In many action scenes heroes fire their blasters,etc....

You can make them by drawing these or just by searching the internet for these...

after printing these particles just cut out these sharply and paste them on sticks and paint the sticks to match them with the background....

use the video as a guide....

When you want to show that your hero is using his blaster just swing this behind him to make a visual look that he is firing a blaster...

be careful not to show your hands in the frame...

you can use this technique for many things life showing rising sun,

firing machine gun, swinging birds,or for moving your character,etc.....

Step 10: Sounds...

You can add many sounds like chirping birds,chattering monkeys,engine sound,clapping sounds,

action sounds, mysterious sounds, and any other sound that you like for your movie from many sites like this one...

After downloading ensure that your speaker is quite loud for your camera..

you need perfect timing for playing the sounds...

Practising will make you master in this...

or you can use video editing software to add sounds in the correct frame...

Step 11: Scripts...

Now you can add dialogues In your script..

you can also add songs to your movie script..

Make sure to add correct sounds in dialogues..

each should have different voice..

you can do this with your friends or use video editing software...

Use simple language and say your dialogues slowly...

ensure that your camera has good mic...

or record your voices in your computer with a mic and add them to your video...

if you are bad in pronunciation use this link to convert text to speech...

add space in the text to make the speech be slow...

Step 12: Shooting...

Now shoot your video...

you will need many friends for making your video perfect in lighting, sounds,etc....

place your camera on a steady place like a tripod,

start recording your video and be ready with your led light system...

and also be ready for the particles....

you can now control your character with the sticks...

for a perfect video use your perfect timing,

make it short...and sweet..

Step 13: Video Editing...

You can use different types of video editing software available like Magisto.

We have used magisto video editor.

You can use magisto online,download its pc app,or use it in chrome browser apps.

Step 14: Finish..

Now publish your video on youtube and see its magic...

hope this instructable is helpful...

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Thank You

Our video is Attached...Here...

Sorry For the sticks we forgotten about that...