Introduction: Arduino Rfid Read and Write on Lcd
i will show you how to make arduino rfid read and write on lcd
Step 1:
Hi there!
Today i will show you how to make arduino rfid read and write on lcd. Download the code and load it on arduino it does not matter witch one but i prefer uno and infiduino.
Things you will need:
*lcd (16,2) eny one i used 16 by 2
*rfid (rc522)
*rfid tag
*some jumpers
*pot (10k)
Step 2: Lcd Pinout
Connect rfid scenner and lcd to arduino as showned on schematic and dont forget pu put pot on vo of the lcd if you dont you will se apsulutly nothing.
Lcd connections
vss - to gnd
vdd - to 5v
vo - to pot
rs - to arduino digital pit 7
rw - to gnd
e - to arduino digital pin 6
d4 - to arduino digital pin 5
d5 - to arduino digital pin 4
d6 - to arduino digital pin 3
d7 - to arduino digital pin 2
A - to arduino digital pin 8
K - to gnd
Step 3: Rfid Pinout
3,3 - to arduino 3,3 volt rail
rst - to arduino digital pin 9
gnd - to arduino gnd rail
rqi - not connected
miso - to arduino digital pin 12
mosi - to arduino digital pin 11
sck - to arduino digital pin 13
sda - to arduino digital pin 10
Step 4: Trying It Out
when you are all done connect arduino to power sorse and wait to arduino turn lcds back light when che lcd cleans scan rfid card then go thro the progrem when is over it will say success 16:-) the lcds back lights will turn off then reset your arduino to start program over again.
thanks enjoy