Introduction: Diy Small Water Pump

hi! this is my first instructable. now i will show u how to make small and  powerful water pump from west. 


a motor,

nokia charger (<800ma),

two bottle's cap,

<12inch wire,

SIM card housing(any kind of hard plastic 1mm),

pen's cap,

any kind of glue.

watch this video of final result 

Step 1:

first of all we need two cap fo bottle. remember 1st cap should be small then 2nd cap. hear i use 1st cap of watter bottle and 2nd is from mosquito refill's cap.but we can also use bottle cap. now make a hole in 2nd cap. watter comes in from hear. then make second hole on the side of cap. watter comes out from hear.

do same thing in 1st cap. but remember in 1st cap we make only small hole that make comfortable for motor point.

Step 2:

now join both of cap into each other. of 1st cap is covering 2nd cap's hole then cut rare part and make it full round hole.

Step 3:

now we make fan which throw watter. for it i use 1mm thick plastick. hear is a sim card's housing plastick. cut it in shape which i have showen in image.make small bend in last. just like "S". fan size shoule not larger then cap.attach fan in gear. and gear attach to motor. all done. give power to motor by nokia charger.