Introduction: Earl Grey Gin
A hot drink makes everything better, for me that drink is Earl Grey tea. I'm usually not much of a tea guy, but if someone if offering Earl Grey I simply can't help myself. I've had success infusing vodka a few times with fruit, but wanted to try something a little different this time. Steeping earl grey tea in gin and then adding a sweetener you can easily make your own earl grey gin!
Want to make your own boozy tea-time? Here's what you need:
*extra points: serve in a fancy teacup
Start by sterilizing your empty glass bottle and unpacking 3 teabags.
Want to make your own boozy tea-time? Here's what you need:

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Start by sterilizing your empty glass bottle and unpacking 3 teabags.
Step 1: Steep Tea in Gin
Estimating only, I added one teabag for every 200ml of gin. Like all tea, tastes will vary based on personal preference. I steeped 3 teabags in about 600ml of gin for 48 hours at room temperature, I like my tea strong and this was perfect. If you're unsure start with a few bags and work your way up.
Make sure to keep the teabag tags outside the bottle and fill the bottle about halfway with gin, then screw the cap on securing the teabags. Slosh around gently to agitate steeping and leave at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
After 48 hours carefully remove teabags.
Make sure to keep the teabag tags outside the bottle and fill the bottle about halfway with gin, then screw the cap on securing the teabags. Slosh around gently to agitate steeping and leave at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
After 48 hours carefully remove teabags.
Step 2: Make Simple Syrup
While the tea gin is brewing you can make the simple syrup. A simple syrup is a 50:50 mix of water and any type of sugar. You could use white, brown, yellow, cane, honey, agave..just about any type of sugar can be made into a simple syrup. Each will have their own distinctive taste and viscosity. I used honey.
On a low heat, add water and honey to a pot and simmer until the ingredients are mixed. Let cool.
Using a funnel, pour simple syrup into the empty space of your steeped gin, replace lid and shake to mix the liquids.
On a low heat, add water and honey to a pot and simmer until the ingredients are mixed. Let cool.
Using a funnel, pour simple syrup into the empty space of your steeped gin, replace lid and shake to mix the liquids.
Step 3: Earl Grey Cocktail
Gin starts at about 40% ABV, after adding the simple syrup this mix is about 25-30% ABV.
I decided to have my earl grey gin cocktail served traditionally:
I also made an earl grey martini:
I decided to have my earl grey gin cocktail served traditionally:
- 2oz cold earl grey gin in fine teacup
- serve with container of milk, add as desired
I also made an earl grey martini:
- 3oz earl grey gin in martini shaker
- add ice
- shake and pour in martini glass
- garnish with orange twist