Introduction: Easy Firework E-lighter
make an easy firework e-lighter for near to nothing
Step 1: Tools
lead for those pen lookalike pencils-try to get thicker one or you can shave a pencil to get that one.
12 volts battery charger or you can use one of those 2-12 volt wall things
12 volts battery charger or you can use one of those 2-12 volt wall things
Step 2: What to Do
next take your lead and place it in the clips and turn your charger on.
it should glow hot or catch fire
the glow will be hot anof to light any powders or fuses
it should glow hot or catch fire
the glow will be hot anof to light any powders or fuses
Step 3: Disclamer
im not liable if you hurt yourself or other or propriety
Step 4: Vid