Introduction: Growing Lentils
Lentils are easy to grow and need sunlight. They are fast growing and will sprout with in a few days.
Step 1: Supplies
- paper towels
- potting soil
- lentils
Step 2: Prepare Container
- make sure your container is 4-5 inches tall
- poke holes in the bottom for drainage
Step 3: Prepare Lentils
- get a piece of plastic tupperware
- cover lentils with paper towels
- add water
- soak overnight
Step 4: Plant Lentils
cover lentils in 1/4 inches of soil
Step 5: Water and Place Somewhere
- water your plant
- Put your plant to grow somewhere with a lot of sunlight
- I put mine in my cardboard greenhouse but you can put yours on your windowsill.