Introduction: Home Made 3d Printer End Filament
This is my home 3d printer.thanks to E-waste 3d printer
All of the materials are from 7 old printers, gathered from my family and friends. I’ve collected couple of stepper motors and a lot of dc motors. I didn’t need the dc motors for this project. I ordered Arduino Mega and Ramps 1.4 from Aliexpress and J-head Hotend.
Step 1: Begins With Wooden Frame
I started with wooden frame
All that you see is handmade and is very difficult to assemble. I had to find many different bolt lots sizes, to put it all together.
All that you see is handmade and is very difficult to assemble. I had to find many different bolt lots sizes, to put it all together.
Step 2:
These are all of my reserve parts and wirings.
Step 3:
the video is from my prototipe
Step 4: Filament Ekstrude
Filament extruder
I have an old arburg machine I have been converting to filament extruder. Please vote for me. I will need 3d printer.
Step 5: Testing X End Y Axis
this is small testing next to drowning some gearwheel.
Step 6:
small test