Introduction: Homemade Arrow / Spear
this is my home made / ultra getto spear. super easy to make
Step 1: The Matereals
the matereals are:
#1 duck tape
#2 a pocket knife
#3 a oarnge rod like the one i show. ( i dont know where to get one. i got mine from a walmart parking lot )
#1 duck tape
#2 a pocket knife
#3 a oarnge rod like the one i show. ( i dont know where to get one. i got mine from a walmart parking lot )
Step 2: The Steps
if you have played around with duck tape enough this is pretty easy. first make sure the orange rod is clean. second, make a three fined tail. ( this is where it is good to know how to play with duck tape ). if you did it right you should have a arrow looking tail.
Step 3: Last But Not Least
take your pocket knife and start to sharpen the other end to a point. beware though, i had a bunch of super anoying fiberglass like slivers, dam were they anoying =(. now go test it. if everything is done right you should be abel to stick it in a tree or other things...not people or animals.
Step 4: Repair
ok...if you went out and threw it at something and the end was ruined, frayed, or did mine. all you need to do is resharpen it and BANG good as new.
Also, after a while the duck tape end might become nasty and gross, or be torn...i dont know all the posobilities. just cut off the old and redo the fin.