Introduction: How to Make Forging Tongs

Step 1: Supplies

for this you will need;

1/4 in steel sheet metal
three washers
lock nut (or a regular)


arc welder
plasma torch
welding protection

Step 2: Make the Tongs

draw the shape of one side of tongs on the metal
draw it again

cut it out with the plasma torch

(due to the fact I don't want to kill my camera, there are no pictures of welding or cutting)

grind down the sharp edges

drill holes at the pivot points

put a washer between the tongs and on both sides and screw the nut on

Step 3: Make the Grips

also cut out two small rectangles

use the grinder to put grooves in them

weld them on the tongs (make sure that when the tongs are closed the grips are flat against each other)