Introduction: IPod/iPhone Beanie Hat

About: I enjoy hacking, programing, building movie props, and I do my best to make everything free and if not cheap.
This instructable will teach you how to make a cool little beanie hat for any iPhone/iPod touch.

Step 1: Find a Hacky Sack

Once you have found yourself a Hacky sack, cut the top off and remove the little bean bag inside. it should look like the pictures when you done.

Step 2: Almost Done

Now fold part of the bottom up around the rest of the empty Hacky sack. Again it should look like the picture.

Step 3: All Done

Now just slip it on the device like i did in the photo. Then you can do what i did and put a photo of a smiley face for added effect.

PS. If you liked this don't forget to vote for me in the crafts contest. THANKS!