Introduction: Arduino: How to Build an Obstacle Avoiding Robot
This instructable is the written version of my "Arduino: How To Build An Obstacle Avoiding Robot" Youtube video that I've uploaded recently. I strongly recommend you to check it out.
My YouTube Channel. Please Subscribe for Support
So, without further ado, Let's get started !
Step 1: Video Tutorial : Just 6 Minutes - Watch and Make...
Arduino Tutorial : How To Build An Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Watch carefully
Step 2: Materials : Necessary Materials and Equipments
* Arduino Uno R3
* Adafruit Motor Shield
*HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module Distance Sensor for Arduino
* Tower Pro SG90 RC Mini Servo Motor
* Bracket / Holder for HC-SR04
* DC Motors and Wheels
* Bovine Wheel
* Plate or something like that
* Jumper
* Battery Buckle 9V
* Battery 9V
* Glue Gun or Cable Ties
Step 3: A Chassis and Sensor Connections
A Chassis
Attaching The Arduino To The Chassis
Connecting The Sensor To The Arduino
Step 4: Motors and Motor Shield Connections
Attaching The Motor Shield To The Ardunio
Connecting Motors To The Shield
Step 5: Programming the Robot
Programing the Arduino code
Step 6: For Me + What's Next ?
First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this guide ! I hope it helped you build your own robot and improved your knowledge about robotics and arduino.
I think now it's a good time to introduce myself. My name is Mert . Likes Math, Computers, Robotics and programming. I've just started a youtube channel, hoping to help people, share some of my knowledge and learn myself.
My next Youtube (and Instructables) tutorials will deal with different methods of controlling electronics (Smartphone-Bluetooth control, remote control and much more) and specifically robots. There will also be videos about home automation (controlling every day appliances with your smartphone or computer using arduino). so make sure you are a subscriber so you won't miss them, and I will see you next time.
Bye !