Introduction: Arduino Realtime Clock Using Ds1302
This week I decided that I want to build a clock. I want a clock that
always have the right time so I need a component that can do this I did some research and I found the ds1302.
Step 1: Watch the Video
I made a video on YouTube where i show you how to do it! So go check that one out.
Step 2: Code
Here are the sketches used in this project
there are three sketches and two libraries make sure you installed these
you need to install the libraries "ds1302" and "lcdi²c"
Step 3: No I²c Lcd?
if you don't have a i²c lcd it's not a problem. open the folder ds1302 and then go to examples then open DS1302_LCD connect the normal lcd screen and this would work fine.
Step 4: TechMaker
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