Introduction: Auto Loading Knex Gun/Pistol With 9 Round Magazine, by Bannana Inventor.
This is a cock-shoot style knex pistol wth a 9 round magazine. The magazine is jam free, and fires gray single connectors. ENJOY :D
Step 1: Building the Handle.
Build and connect the handle as shown.
Step 2: Building the Magazine
Build and connect the magazine a shown. You can make the mag as long as you want it. This one, as I said, holds 9 rounds. NOTE: The far left object in the left picture is the mag ram, you will not need that until later.
Step 3: Building the Barrel.
Build the barrel as shown. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHICH SIDE IS WHICH. They are both different.
Step 4: Connecting
Finally connect everything.
Step 5: Finishing Up.
Slid in the two rams. I forgot to get a pic of the firing ram. It's just a yellow connector on a gray rod. Now just attach the rubber bands and you are done!!!
Thanks for building my gun, and don't forget to check out some of my other stuff. :D
Thanks for building my gun, and don't forget to check out some of my other stuff. :D