Introduction: Autonomous Arduino Rover 5
This is my very first Arduino, I wanted to learn C and C++ programming while having fun. So I decided to put together an autonomous toy capable of driving itself around and avoid obstacles. Again I am in the process of learning still a rookie, my codes work for now but could use some improvements. I used the Dagu Rover 5 tank chassis with two motors. I also have two ultrasonic distance sensor ( HC-SR04), one in the bottom for emergency stop, and one on top scan while in autonomous mode. They are mounted on two servos, bottom servo for left and right, top servo for up and down. I have an On and OFF switch. I used a potentiometer connected to analog pen 0. All the way to the left mean Autonomous mode, and all the way to the right mean programming. Like I say it is still a learning process, I try to improve my codes as much as I can. It help me avoid the robot crawling around my desk when the USB is connected. I will post a more detail guide when time permit.
here is the code
This was my very first boot, as seen on the video, code needed some review. As it get confuse when it approach an obstacle.
outdoor grass testing
codes were updated, now able to scan and decided the safest direction without obstacles.
here is the code
This was my very first boot, as seen on the video, code needed some review. As it get confuse when it approach an obstacle.
outdoor grass testing
codes were updated, now able to scan and decided the safest direction without obstacles.