Introduction: Awesome Straw Plane

About: I'm me!!
This is a plane that has a drinking straw as a fuselage and it flies very nicely. I once made a rubber band powered propeller plane out of this design but I think a small electric motor (needs to fit in the straw) may be able to possibly make an RC plane like thing, or at least make it fly longer(also the motor will act as the nose weight).

Step 1: Materials

You will need-

*A sheet of cardstock
*Tape (not heavy duty tape because it is to heavy)
*A napkin
*A bendy straw

Step 2: Making the Fuselage

Instructions in the image notes.

Step 3: Make the Wings.

Instructions in the image notes.

Step 4: Adding the Wings.

Instructions are in the image notes.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Instructions are in the image notes.

Step 6: Throwing It

Throw it by the little tab you made under the plane, and if it flies strait up and nose dives then throw it softer. If it barely goes anywhere throw it harder. Also try to throw it strait and level. Good luck with your plane.