Introduction: Balls and Holes

The objective of our game is to get the ball(s) into the finish line (the rectangle at the top) whilst avoiding the holes and balancing the ball on the handle/stick. You are given 20 seconds and 3 tries.

Step 1: Make the Blue Prints

Our game was based off an arcade game that we found when we were brainstorming and researching. We designed and assigned dimensions according to the purpose of the structure and the people that will use it.

Step 2: Prototype

Build your prototype with cheap and easy to use materials. Remember to build according to your blue prints this way you can see how your final product will turn out.

The prototype doesn't need to be sturdy or aesthetically pleasing just good enough to allow you to make adjustments to your blue prints and give you an idea of your final product.

Step 3: List Your Materials and Tools

1. Cardboard
2. Tape
3. Scissors
4. Cutters
5. Paper

The Final Product
1. Wood (Ply and Timber)
2. Acrylic
3. Marble
4. Hot Glue
5. Super Glue
6. Ruler
7. Measuring tape
8. Hole Saw (4-5 cm)
9. Sand Paper (120-400 Grit)

Step 4: Find the Right Wood

We used ply wood and timber because our project required light and thin pieces as well as heavy and sturdy parts.

When choosing the pieces, blocks or sheets of wood keep in mind the desired dimensions of your pieces, for example if you need a thin board choose a thin piece of wood not a thick block of wood.

Step 5: Measure and Cut the Wood

We used rulers and tapes to measure the pieces.

We always referred back to the blue prints so that we could maintain accuracy.

When measuring always double check to minimize mistakes.

We used the bansaw and other machines to cut the materials, also remember to always have an expert to supervise you when using heavy machinery due to health and safety issues.

Step 6: Assemble Your Project

Our project was held together by screws, hot glue and super glue.

Before screwing mark your sheet of wood/acrylic about 5 mm away from the edge of the board to avoid cracks. When screwing acrylic and wood make sure to have a piece of wood under it so the drill doesn't crack the board and can easily penetrate.

The glues were used for the smaller parts of project such as the return tray. We would use hot glue on the edge of the board and super glue in the middle so that the piece would hold its position immediately and gain extra strength after the super glue has dried.

Step 7: Test Your Project

After the assembly we would test the game to find any loop holes or if we needed any changes to the level of difficulty. We found out that the game was too easy so we adjusted the game by drilling more holes and changed the ball.

We made sure to have several people try the game so that we could gain a different perspective and have different opinions and ideas. When you are given feedback make sure to note it down for your adjustments afterwards.

Step 8: Paint and Add Finishing Touches

When spray painting for aesthetics make sure that you are wearing a mask to protect yourself form the toxic fumes.

Make sure to sand the parts to give it a cleaner feel and to prevent your audience and yourself from getting hurt by splinters, rough edges etc.

Step 9: Make the Rules of the Game

After you have finished correcting any problems and loop holes decide on your rules.

Our Rules:

1. Objective get the ball into the rectangle

2. Keep hands away from board when playing

3. Avoid the holes

4. Lose when ball drops in hole, drops out of stick, use over 20 seconds

5. 20 seconds to complete

6. 3 turns

Step 10: Present

Show your work to your intended audience.

Step 11: Credits

Dayten Chu

Jaden Chen

Moses Wu

Caden Yee

Ms. Han

Mr. Nadar

Christian Alliance International School