Introduction: Berry Brain Blast

About: A fitness Instructor, active mother of 3

Gooey, creamy and full of flavor. This nutritious concoction resembles squished brains!

Chia pudding topped with berries takes seconds to make and is a great snack, breakfast of dessert!

Chia is full of Omega 3's, fiber, vitamin and minerals, that's why they call it Brain food!

Step 1: Ingredients

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 tbsp. Hemp seeds

1 tsp dried chopped fruit (cranberries, raisins, apples etc)

1/2 cup milk or dairy free beverages

2-3 assorted berries

Pour the milk/liquid over the seeds and dried fruit. Stir, refrigerate and stir again in 1/2-1hr.

Top with berries.

I pureed some berries for the look of messy blood which is great for kids.