Introduction: Breath of the Wild Link Papercraft (with Papercrafting Tips)
i am just like the legend of zelda and papercraft , so i would like to share my template and papercraft tips, and hope it usefull
Step 1: Print Your Template and Follow the Tutorial
link papercraft template and tutorial pdf
or visit this link:
Step 2: Tips
when you try to make a papercraft you will encounter many problem, like gluing or folding
- use duct tape to make you easier when gluing or your glue can't make it stay there (use it inside the papercraft)
- use toothpick to reach some part (for gluing too)
- remember to fold before glue
- dont stuck with one part, after you gluing one part, use your waiting time to glue or cut another part
- remember you can also make your own way without tutorial