Introduction: Busy Board
I would say sorry for my English it's foreign for me. If you will find mistakes or typos please let me know))
Step 1: Prepare Base for Our Busy Board
In the attachment you could find the scheme for laser cutting from 3 mm and 6 mm plywood.
We have only these plywood and for taking 12 mm we should cement it from several pieces.
Step 2: Cement the Plywood
After cementing we should take more massive details and completed labyrinth.
List for cementing:
- main base
- 5 doors
- 5 second (small) part of doors
- labyrinth
- clamping for the dragon
Step 3: Choose the Palette
Chose one base color and 1-2 colors for elements of the busy board
Step 4: Polishing
All details should be polished before dyeing.
Step 5: Polish the Cogwheel
Scour the edge of cogwheels. We've found really simple way)))
Step 6: Dyeing
I think we need not any comments)
Step 7: Labyrinth Keeper
Complete the figure of dragon for labyrinth like on the photos.
Note that it should be assembled on the labyrinth base because you can't move him inside after assembling.
Step 8: Combine Cogwheels
Put cogwheels on the pin with spacers and add the fixtures on the edges.
Step 9: Analyse Places
Make temporary alignment.
Step 10: Complete the Doors
Assemble all 5 doors with furniture and fasten them to their places. The second (small) parts of the doors clamp on the glue but prepare holes in the base for fastening from backside.
Step 11: Socket and Plug
Use the cord instead of the wire it will be more comfortable for the child. Use the hot glue for fixation in the plug.
Step 12: Mark and Drill
Mark and drill holes for all remaining elements by using your previous layout.
Step 13: Assembling
Some elements (for example some buttons) does not have holes for fastening to the board. Drill them and fasten the back side of the element to the board. For assembling with the face side of the element use the hot glue.
Step 14: More Assembling
For cord clumping use nodes and hot glue (it's strong and fast))).
Step 15: Again Assembling
The labyrinth should be cemented and fastened from back side. For this prepare hols in the base board before cementing.
Step 16: Assembling One More Time
Fasten all that can be fastened or it can be dangerous or the child.
Step 17: Velcro and Zip
Nail the velcro and zip by using prepared hols. Note that the nail should be safety!!!
Step 18: Backside Fastening
Fasten all wooden elements that have glue clamping only from the backside of our board.
Step 19: Backside
Just dye it.
We've finished it! )))