Introduction: The Seriously Cool Way to Make a Clownfish Costume!

This instructable will teach you how to build a Nemo costume for use on Halloween or as a stage costume. In and effort to encompass the "go green" concept, my Technology class was asked to pair into groups and design a line of marine themed costumes. Each group had their own theme ranging from boats, to sharks, to mollusks. In each of these groups, they had to each design a costume fitting within the theme of their group. These costumes had to be created entirely created from slotted cardboard so that a middle aged student can easily slot together the pieces  under minimal supervision. 

Design Brief: I will make a Nemo shaped costume for use on Halloween or as a stage costume in a play.

1. Easy to Assemble
    2. Must lay flat on top of one another (Flat-Pack).
    3. Must fit an average middle schooler. 

1. Use only Cardboard
    2. No fasteners or adhesives
    3. Use slotted construction techniques

Step 1: Gather Materials

For this project your going to need some materials and tools:
     A cutting mat (optional)
     A utility knife
     A Ruler and Tape Measure
     A Pencil
     A Paintbrush (optional)
     Paint (optional)
     LOTS and LOTS of cardboard ( the amount of carboard should equal about three refrigerator boxes)
     The Drawing included on this step called "Orthographic Drawing" (This will help you draw and cut out the parts of the costumes.)

Step 2: Making the Two Sides of the Fish

Draw a rectangle on the Refrigerator Box with a pencil and Ruler that is 30.4” x 20”
Place Cutting Mat on working area and place Refrigerator Box on top of the mat.
Cut out the rectangle with the Utility Knife
Draw the shape indicated on the Orthographic Drawing in actual size.
Cut out the shape drawn on the rectangle of cardboard
Draw lines for cuts with Pencil (from each cut or edge) 2”, 6”, 7.2”, 7.2”, 6”, 2”
Cut out the lines with the Utility Knife cutting down 10.5” from the top.
Do this again for another side.

Step 3: Making the Inner Pieces

(During this step keep each piece separate and labeled, as it is important to have the right pice later on.)

Front Inner Piece:
1. Draw a rectangle that is 23” x 20” with the Pencil and the Ruler then cut the rectangle out using the Utility Knife Place the rectangle in a landscape position.
2. Mark spots for cuts 1” and 2” from both edges along the bottom using the Pencil.
3. Cut up 10.5” on the cuts using the Utility Knife.

Back Inner Piece:
1. Repeat the steps for Part P2
2. Cut down from the top 5”, 2” from the right edge using the Utility Knife. 

Middle Back Inner Piece: 
1. Draw a rectangle that is 23” x 20” with the Pencil and the Ruler then cut the rectangle out using the Utility Knife. Place the rectangle in a landscape position.
2. Using the Utility Knife cut two slots, one on either side, each 1” from the edge.

Middle Front Inner Piece:
1. Repeat steps for Part P4
2. Cut a slot 2” from the left edge down 5” using the Utility Knife.

Step 4: Making the Shoulder Strap

Using the pencil and the Ruler draw a rectangle 50” x 2”.
Using the Utility Knife cut out the rectangle and hold in the portrait position.
Cut a slot 1” from either edge that is 5” long on both ends of the rectangle.

Step 5: Making the Nose and Tail

Using the Ruler and Pencil draw a rectangle 34” x 20”
Using the Utility Knife cut out the rectangle, and hold in a landscape position.
Using the Pencil draw a line 4” from both the top and bottom in the center of the rectangle. Then, connect the edges of the rectangle to the line.
Using the Utility Knife cut out the triangular shapes along the lines.
Using the Utility Knife cut a slot 2” from both edges down from the top 10.5”
Fold along the centerline.

Repeat the steps for the nose.
Using the Utility Knife (T2) cut a line along the fold from the top 4”.

Step 6: Making the Tail (Caudal) Fin

Using the Utility Knife cut a square 14”x 14”.2.
Using the Pencil and the Orthographic Drawing draw the shape in actual size.
Using the Utility Knife cut out the shape.
Using the Utility Knife cut a slot 2” to the left of the edge and upwards from the bottom of the shape 4”.

Step 7: Making the "Lucky" Fin and Regular Fin

Regular Fin:
Using the Utility Knife and the Orthographic Drawing cut out the shape from an 8” x 5” rectangle.
Using the Utility Knife cut a slot upwards from the bottom 1” to the left of the edge and 1” upwards.

"Lucky" Fin
Using the Utility Knife cut out a rectangle 5” x 4”.
Using the Utility Knife cut a wavy edge along the right edge.3.
Using the Utility Knife cut a slot 1” to the right of the left edge 2” up.

Step 8: Paint

Before Continuing on to the following steps, paint each piece if you wish. Keep in mind that if you paint one side of the part, you may have to paint the other as well to prevent warping of the parts.

Step 9: Assembly Step One

Slide one fish side into an inner slot on the Front Inner Piece.

Step 10: Assembly Step Two

Slide the other Fish Side into the other inner slot on the Front Inner

Step 11: Assembly Step Three

Slide the inner slots of the Back Inner Piece into the backmost slots on the Fish Sides, creating a rectangular shape, while making sure the top slot is on the left.

Step 12: Assembly Step Four

Slide the Middle Front Piece into the second set of slots on the Fish
Sides so that the slot on top is on the right.

Step 13: Assembly Step Five

Slide the Middle Back Piece into the fourth set of slots on the Fish Sides.

Step 14: Assembly Step Six

Attach the Nose by sliding it into the outer most slots on the Front Inner Piece.

Step 15: Assembly Step Seven

Attach the Tail by sliding it into the outer most slots on the Back Inner Piece making sure the slot on the fold is facing up.

Step 16: Assembly Step Eight

Slide the Tail Fin into the slot on the Tailpiece.

Step 17: Assembly Step Nine

Attach the Pectoral Fin by sliding into the slot on the left Fish Side in the middle.

Step 18: Assembly Step Ten

Attach the Lucky Fin by sliding into the Right Fin Side.

Step 19: Assembly Step Eleven

Attach the Shoulder Strap by sliding the two slots into the two slots on the Middle Front Piece and Back Inner Piece.