Introduction: Chop Saw Insert
Fashion a zero clearance insert for a miter saw to prevent tear out.
Step 1: Stock Width
Remove the saw insert and cut a piece of stock to fit snugly in the insert space.
Step 2: Depth
Cut the edges of the insert piece to sit flush with the saw top.
Step 3: Round Edge
Trace the saw insert edge onto the wood piece. Sand the piece.
Step 4: Fit
Remove any wood from the underside of the piece to allow for a snug fit.
Step 5: Screw Holes
Use the insert as a template to drill screw holes. Countersink the holes. Place the new insert on the saw and cut a slot for the blade.
Step 6: Finish
Give the insert a few coats of Danish Oil.
Step 7: Fasten
Screw the insert in place.